#274191 - 10/22/09 05:11 PM
Re: How do YOU play Green Onions?
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Originally posted by Diki: Have you got the 'button drawbars' thing down on the C1 yet? Not really. But then, I was never a drawbar 'player', you know, those guys that are constantly fiddling with the drawbars (like some really annoying guitar players that are constantly re-tuning). A lot of good organ players make it a part of their technique or playing style; changing a registration on the fly, phasing chorus, vibrato and 'leslie' in and out, etc. I tend to be more static, using more presets (programs, on the C1) of all my favorite registrations. One poorly implemented feature on the C1 is the way program change is done. It must be scrolled. There is no way to input program numbers directly. It's up to you to group your favorite programs close together to minimize scrolling. The upside is that for every program, there are three one-touch regs for each of the three (bass, Upper, Lower) manuals. So you've got a LOT of variety with the touch of a single button, usually enough to cover all the bases for a single song. Combined with the Traynor K4 which combines both a 'tube' channel for warmth and stereo for a better leslie 'sim' effect, and sometimes combined with two podium 802's on poles for more volume and spread, it's an awesome sounding combination. I'm sort of laid up for the next month or so. This would be a good time for you to do your humanitarian 'good deed' and come up and help 'poor me' properly set up my studio....no, wait until my DM-10 kit arrives. And maybe my VP-770 (VP-550 replacement). More toys to play with  . Don't forget, I also have a practically unused Fatom G7 waiting for you to show me how to get your 'signature' G70 piano sound. chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#274192 - 10/22/09 05:12 PM
Re: How do YOU play Green Onions?
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Diki: Can you remove the Leslie, and still have the scanner vibrato still on? Plus, does it do the Hammond Percussion single trigger/polyphonic system that defines the Hammond sound?
I am as big a fan of that sound as you are. Trouble, of course, is it is just the ONE sound (or two, if you count the other one ). Want to shade off the high end drawbars (or add a bit of 1'), or add a bit of more weight to it for a chorus, you are kind of stuck. I'm pretty sure that, back in the days when you did play something with drawbars, you wouldn't play a whole song with them on the same registration. Even just raising the Perc level from soft to hard would help a line pop out. With the B3 sound, God is in the details...  On the SA organs, the Leslie is on the mod wheel and is not removable, and same goes for SA Rock Rotary, which is a lot the same as Jazz Rotary, except for a tad less perc, and a bit more overdrive/distortion, although you can adjust the latter(and take it off) for both organs. I rarely played the organ sounds in the S900...they just weren't "Hammondy" enough.  With the S910, I'm more encouraged to use that sound more often. If I was using it exclusively as an organ, I'd miss the drawbars and the abilty to shade the sound...on an arranger, I don't find that as important. You know, one of the reasons I was going to get a Roland arranger, is that they have great organ sounds; even the E-60/50 are very, very good, although they don't have the drawbars like on the G70. With the S910, I don't need to go there...the organ sounds are finally good enough...nope, they aren't as flexible as I'd like, but they have "the sound". The percussion is polyphonic, so a bit less realism there, but, overall, I'm very pleased Yamaha finally caught up to Roland, at least in the preset organ dept. The S910's drawbar organ section, is still the same as on the S900, and less inspiring, and the inability to add distortion/overdrive with the Leslie effect is a pain...it's on the Tyros3(and I believe the T2 as well)...they have another effects block the S-series lacks. Several S910 users have told me they like playing the instrument more than they did the S900...part of it for me, at least, was the enhanced organ sounds....again, I repeat what I've said many times...the S910 is what the S900 should have been. Realistically, I'm afraid I'll never be gigging with a B-3 again, so the S910 fits my plan just fine... and, it's only 400 lbs lighter. 
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#274193 - 10/22/09 05:22 PM
Re: How do YOU play Green Onions?
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Diki: I've played Hammond's painted a variety of colors. Strangely, they all sounded OK The day that color matters in the slightest, I'm going back to my mother-of-pearl accordion! Well, actually, it seems to matter to many people...but, it seems, the majority are former B-3 owners/players. I think they could have garnered the jazz organ crowd if they'd gone with drawbars (even optional) and a more conservative look(mainly the colour). Yes, some people painted their B-3's different colours...and, I thought they looked stupid (the organs, not the people)  , but that's just me...I liked the wood look...classy. There's just something natural and warm about wooden cabinets....the B-3 looks, as Chas aptly put it, "regal". Some people hear with their eyes, as well as their ears. 
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#274194 - 10/22/09 05:51 PM
Re: How do YOU play Green Onions?
Senior Member
Registered: 01/31/06
Posts: 3354
Loc: The World
Originally posted by ianmcnll: The sound of a Hammond organ is timeless in the way that the sound of an acoustic piano or acoustic guitar is timeless.
Why? Because there is no fossilized, shrink-wrapped Hammond sound. It is not just another preset like Fantasia on a D-50.
The "Hammond sound", if you like, is as much a style, a feeling, a mood, a colour.
The reason for this is simple....the original Hammond organs pumped out their sounds via tone wheels and dusty old switches...all manner of variable mechanics and electronics, which meant that no two instruments really sound quite the same.
Whereas there are no "great" G70s, or Tyros2's, or Korg M1's, (or Nord C-1's) there are certainly great Hammond B-3's....the same is true for Fender Rhodes pianos. They have a "personality".
What would "A Whiter Shade of Pale" sound like on a Lowery, or an Electone, or a PA2X Pro? Nothing like the original.
Hammonds...timeless they were....and still are.
Amen to all of the above  Just wanted teo edit to say..a m8 and I both bought flat top stage 73's in Canberra years ago, both at the same time both with the Dyno My Piano kit, and you know with the same knob setups and through the exact same amp, they both sounded different...Really!!! Dennis [This message has been edited by miden (edited 10-22-2009).]
#274195 - 10/22/09 06:42 PM
Re: How do YOU play Green Onions?
Registered: 05/16/08
Posts: 307
Loc: Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
Yes, some people painted their B-3's different colours...and, I thought they looked stupid (the organs, not the people) , but that's just me...I liked the wood look...classy. .... Some people hear with their eyes, as well as their ears. 
I've had to refurbish some pretty bad cabinets. Too many nightclubs, too many years in a trailer or shed. The really bad ones can't be refinished, isntead, I fill the torn off veneer areas with auto body putty, then sand, fill again, primer, sand, then have them shot in a base color like black or white. Plenty of churches love a white B or C. Of course, if the cabinet wood is intact enough, I would refinish to look like original. Wildest one I ever did, originally had painted it gloss white, it sat in the music store for a few months and then this lady wanted it for a rock act -- and asked if it could be painted pink. We negotiated, money changed hands and the innards came back out of the B and it was off to the auto paint shop yet again where it got shot with the grossest pink auto paint you can imagine. Poor thing. Bidness is bidness, --Mac
"Keep listening. Never become so self-important that you can't listen to other players. Live cleanly....Do right....You can improve as a player by improving as a person. It's a duty we owe to ourselves." --John Coltrane
"You don't know what you like, you like what you know. In order to know what you like, you have to know everything." --Branford Marsalis