Hi folks
Don't feel like putting more "gas on the Audya fire", and I know I will ruin the day for many of you, but anyway
Had my first gig with the Audya, after years with Korg changing to Ketron I was a little stressed. Still beeing a Korgy (at least in my band)I just can say that for my kind of music and for me only using styles, the Audya did a complete "Knock Out" on my PA800.(please notice the "for me"
) It was almost like having a drummer and bassplayer right there, The live guitar sounds really good. I got so much good "feedback" from people, I never knew so many of the dancing and drinking crowd really listen to what comes out of the speakers. Several musicans was at the gig, they had never heard the Audya live, they were really suprised how good it sounded. One came up on stage while I was playing just to se if I was using styles. Had my wife with me to this gig, she is worst than Simon Cowell if she dont like my performance (I mean on stage
). She really liked what she heard and she also got lots good reponse from people, for my performance. I have put together a sound, a pad and a elpiano, here I was using this sound and this guy comes up to me,
"Oh man" you have this wonderfull old D-50 "Stacato Heaven" sound in your KB. People are listening, and thats great. I use to have the D50, today I did a search for the sound, found an mp3 and it's really very similar, never thought of the D50 when I made it.
For those of you that dont like what you're reading this might help a little. When I turned on my Audya to start playing, the sound from the "Count In" was gone, had to do a restart and it was fine all night. Looks like my Audya has a kind of 2 steps turn on
. I will go for the Audya next weekend also, I sure hope it will be replay of this gig.