Thanks for the replies. I've been having so much fun spending too much time downloading & checking out iphone/touch apps.
I initially purchased the Touch as simply an upgrade to my 80Gb iPod to gain more secure (flash vs hd) song & video playback & storage. yet quickly learning it offers a whole lot more than that alone. That said, I didn't opt for an iphone because I didn't want to be locked into another AT&T 2 year contract agreement, and because I'm already able to gain most of iphones unique functionability (phone, 3G) via these relatively inexpensive software add-ons. To gain the ability to make calls on the iPod Touch, I installed
Skype on the iPod Touch. To make a call, I simply plug the headphone/mic supplied by Apple with the Touch. To gain 3G connection for internet browsing where Wifi isn't available, I purchased a cool software called
Walking Hot Spot which turns the Nokia phone into a wireless hotspot. I'm able to tether my Nokia E71's 3G connection to the iPod Touch, affording a 3G internet connection nearly everywhere in my metro area.
Hellboy, Linda, and Stephen: thanks for the app recommendations. I've downloaded a few from your lists and concur with your postive recommendations. Manuel, I've downloaded FreeWifi and wow . . . it found MANY wifi hotspots available I didn't know existed before. I also appreciate the "Piano Sharp" App remmendation by Steve Molnar.
Originally posted by Dnj:
Isn't this Off Topic,?
Ok, here are my personal fav 'music' applications that I've downloaded, purchased, and checked out (so far):
MusicID with Lyrics Almost instantly (4-5 secs) identifies most any tune heard over the radio or in a restaurant/club, PLUS displays the lyrics and artist as well. Awesome!
MySongbook MySongBook Review Demo What I love about this app is that the lyrics/chords automatically "scroll" (you set the scroll rate) while you PLAY the song. The iPod Touch can be placed and leaned against the Tyros2 LCD screen for easy live performance viewability. Small yet bright & viewable. Though the iPod display screen may be relatively small, in landscape mode, lyrics & chords appear very readable. Very Cool!
iReal Book for iPhone Similar to MySongBook but it only supports chords. App comes with all the songs in the Jazz RealBook which most all jazz musicians are familiar with and play from. A must have app for jazz players.
Relative Pitch Relative Pitch Video Light Version Demo Great way to get & keep our ears tuned. A must!
Piano Sharp Thanks Steve Molnar for recommending this one.
Piano Studio Piano Studio Demo Not really like playing a piano, but a fascinating music composition app. Closest thing to an 'Arranger' on an iPod I think.
Guitar Cool Guitar emulation App for button pushing wannabe guitarists.
Impressive sound.
Stairway To Heaven iPhone Guitar: Hotel California Scott
[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 11-05-2009).]