Ummmm, gremlins I guess. This morning WMP played the Audya version with no problem. Ok, now for the only opinion that counts; mine

. Although both versions are excellent, due in no small part to Don's vocals which are so well suited to this tune, I would have to agree with Skude. Although I'm normally a bigger fan of Roland than of Ketron's, I think the Audya gets the nod on this particular guitar simulation, on this particular style, on this particular tune (how's that for hedging your bet

BTW, I still think Don snuck a guitar player in there and is just pulling our chain about that being him on a keyboard

. Seriously, it does go to show the importance of really listening to the instrument you're trying to emulate and then thinking and playing as though you were actually playing that instrument. I think that really helps with the realism.
The other thing that is so good (valuable) about these song postings is that it gives us a chance to compare styles and voices from two different manufacturers by the same competent performer (in the same recording environment). How often does that happen? Usually we have to rely on this factory demo vs. that factory demo. It would be nice to hear other members with multiple arrangers post 'compare' tunes. Hey, even if your performance can't match Don's, at least the comparison between brands will be fair.