...well, if you don't mind working for $2.00/hr. Yesterday, I had this popular local wedding singer who usually sings to backing tracks, call and ask if I could make her a backing track to the song Sunny. Of course my response was, 'how much?' (although I don't usually do this type of tune and have NEVER done a backing track for anyone). I wanted to turn down her offer of $25.00 but God was she cute. She said she wanted it to be old-school soulful and danceable, but danceable in the way that usually leads to 'getting down to business'. I liked her 'forthrightness'
. I said I'd give it a try. She needed it in her hands by Tuesday as the wedding was Wednesday. This is what I roughed out to see if she liked this approach. I did it the usual way; pick a drum pattern from a PA1x style and then multitrack the other instruments to that. The instruments, in the order they were tracked, are:
Drums--------------PA1x pro (Swing Hip Hop)
Bass and pad-------Fantom G7
Rhythm Guitar------Tyros 2 (jazz guitar)
Vocals (ha ha)-----VP-550
Organ -------------Nord C1
Sax----------------PA1x Pro (Tenor Sax noise 1)
Lead Guitar--------Pa1x Pro (Overdrive Gtr)
Recorded and rendered to MP3 with Reaper via Alesis I/O26.
http://www.box.net/shared/n5joevs5yc Not my usual style but I'm starting to like these hiphop beats in my old age
[This message has been edited by cgiles (edited 11-09-2009).]