Originally posted by tony mads usa:
I don't think it's a "God given right" to set standards, I think it is a God given RESPONSIBILITY !!! ... without standards what are we? ... without standards, why is it not right for me to steal someone else's property, or to bring it to the extreme, take someone else's life, if that is what [b]I think is right?
....but with the moral decay in this country due in large part to the lowering of standards

....steal someone else's property?
....take someone's life?
....moral decay?
I'll tell you what I think 'moral decay' is.
Effectively committing genocide on an entire population of Native Americans.
Kidnapping and then enslaving ten generations of Africans in this country.
Burning women at the stake (in Salem, Mass.)in the name of religion.
Dropping a nuclear bomb on hundreds of thousands of civilians....twice.
Invading (and destroying) a country that had neither attacked nor threatened to attack us, killing thousands of civilians in the process.
Polluting our planet to the point of causing the extinction of hundreds of species a year and making it less and less habitable. If we care about our children so much, shouldn't we be concerned about that?
I'd say we had a long history of 'moral decay' which continues to this day. But it's much more comfortable to ignore issues like these and save our real moral outrage for some guy (Adam who?) grabbing his crotch on public tv (God save us).
I know you're all good guys that mean well but I question whether it's worth all your energy. You know what. Go help build a house with Habitat for Humanity, volunteer in some soup kitchen or homeless shelter. The VERY BEST way to teach your kids or grandkids, BY EXAMPLE.