Originally posted by rikkisbears:
quite a number of the styles I've listened to so far, appear to be the same as the onboard styles even though the names differ.
Some of them actually sound better than the onboard version even though they're only using internal sounds, not the Musikant sounds, so I can only assume they've been tweaked to make them sound a bit warmer?? for want of a better term.
Hi Rikki,
Thanks for your message here. Sometimes I think you’re the only one that gets deep into a situation like this where actual “music” is involved.
Could you wrote over again what you wrote above? I was able to open your tinyurl but when I went to do it again, it wouldn’t open so I don’t remember what the site said.
How did you listen and what did you listen to with the Musikant stuff? I think you said you had a PA-500. So….you were comparing Musikant sounds (from the computer) to what you had there?
You wrote: “Some of them actually sound better than the onboard version even though they're only using internal sounds, not the Musikant sounds,”
I’m not sure I understand that. And…can you or someone explain to me how sounds can be changed. I’m very used to the analog synths, but I’m afraid I’m not keeping up with new technology. I thought that the “sound generator” (oscillators in the old synths) produced a particular sound and that can’t be changed by what’s on the USB stick? That you can only download the dance patterns?
This is wearing me out. You get little to NO answers from KorgUSA. The German site seems to be the complete opposite (but, unfortunately in German!). The web site alone is tantalizing, the many demonstrators, and that wonderful European music that I weaned myself on.
I was listening to the dance styles and sounds here. Very impressed with most of them…
The big band had me tapping my feet in the library...nice cha-cha and rhumba...organs were incredible (though I thought the accordions...and the tango...and the trumpet were a bit limp)
http://www.korg.de/nc/produkte/keyboards...duktinfo-2.html I also sent another message to Frans about the dance styles:
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/020439-2.html Lucky