Originally posted by leezone:
you like the Q7 more than the SM-58?
not more tan the 58 beta
Q7 as in microphone not the Audi Truck :-)
I definitely like the Q7 better than the SM-58. In fact, I used a 58 a couple weeks ago while doing a quick set for a friend and after the first song, I took a quick break, went out to my van and got the Q7 so I could finish the set. When I finished the guy who I was filling in for said "How about leaving your mic for me." He used it the remainder of the evening, brought it to me the next day and asked if he could buy it from me. I gave it to him as an early Christmas present and ordered another one today for when I have guest singers.
As for the Beta 58A I found it only slightly better than the SM-58, but for a guy with a deep, baritone voice such as mine it didn't seem to have sufficient sensitivity. I think it's probably well suited for someone with a higher, more powerful voice.
One of the other aspects of the Samson Q7 I really like is the finish. It has a great gripping surface that is non-slip and warm to the touch. No one has ever dropped my Q7, but they're sure dropped most of the others because of the slick finish.
Good luck guys and enjoy the mics,
[This message has been edited by travlin'easy (edited 12-01-2009).]