Coming from a players background and not really a singer's past...
I can appreciate and enjoy good instrumental music ..absent
from vocals..
I also enjoy great vocal deliveries...
and I agree most audiences can relate to the vocals more so than the instrumental aspect..
I have seen and know several "pros" that use their vocal ability to mask less stellar playing skills...
a lot more than the reverse..
I know many technically skilled vocalist..
trained and capable of vibrato at any time..and most audiences can see this...
but for me they leave me uninterested..
The vocal skill is how we "sell the song"..
I know and rather listen to a less polished vocalist..
that knows how to sell the song..Expressiveness, and the ability to tell the story..
The real "pro" singer knows how to make a song personal,
via eye contact and phrasing of the song with emotional inflections..
I know far more "pros" that do this and are less skilled technically..
they have developed through experience..They know what the song is trying to say..thus
able to deliver...rather than the singer that wants to show how skilled a singer they are..
Other singers like to mimic a certain a fault..
.and usually this comes across flat too..because they fail to tell the story..
It is fine to use a certain artists traits in your voice,
but don't forget to be expressive and sell the song..
Back to preference..There are many that rather hear instruments..
great players that can deliver..some music genres..instrumental is all that is needed..
I also think that it is harder to find good players..
where as singers are "a dime a dozen"..and for the most part the average singer can get over on a crowd..
especially the good looking ones..

Well,, I said my opinion..what do you think of my views?