Jeez... C'mon, man!
Have you even BEEN to Yamaha or Korg or Ketron or Roland's web pages? Have you heard what they sound like? For even the most determined fanboy, you've GOT to admit they sound a bloody sight better than anything posted on this thread.
I just don't get it. Why subject yourself to the prodigious learning curve a product like this is going to impose on you, if all you get afterward is something no more impressive than this? Save yourself the money and the time...
Get a V-Machine or Musebox (or a laptop) and ADD them to your great sounding closed arranger if you want great VSTi lead sounds. But until the arranger part is better than the closed one, you are taking one step forward, and in my opinion, taking one giant leap backwards.
And before I get the 'Diki hates the MS' auto-fill retorts, just do me a favor and LISTEN to the examples. Give me flack if you think this DOES sound better than a T3 or a PA2 or an Audya, will you? And if you don't, allow me my opinion (well, allow it either way, but don't go looking for an agenda

My agendas sit fixed to either side of my head

), OK..?