Roland would probably be wide awake and working feverishly on a new TOTL arranger IF the E80/60/50/G70 had sold really well. But it seems that so many are late to the party, or listened to other peoples' negative opinions rather than their own ears when they WERE available, and what is Roland's incentive to make another one?
People seems, in the majority, happy with what Yamaha have done, making bland mostly low end (or mid end) models, but with the Mega voice stuff and SA2 stuff, which is all fairly proprietary and VERY mature. Yamaha been making Mega for what, eight to ten years or so, SA for five or more? - it's going to take any manufacturer close to that long just to catch up. Korg's DNC is a good example - got the basic OS, but REALLY short on samples made especially for it...
Let's face it, were it not for the PSR's, Yamaha would NEVER go out on a limb and have JUST the Tyros line. Although there is feature trickle down, I would imagine the sales of the PSR line is what really keeps the division afloat. Ian might know, but I bet PSR910's outsell Tyros's at least 20-1.
Roland are doing the right thing, IMO. If they can't recapture the low-mid end of the market, if they can't come out with anything that gives an S910 a good run for its' money, what are they going to do with another TOTL model but lose money again..? If they can make something like the Prelude but add in the Mega stuff and some kind of proto-DNC/SA technology, maybe revisit some of the great features they dropped (I swear, in the last decade, Roland have DROPPED more great Roland only features than they added!), and basically make something that has the S910's good features and none of its' bad, THEN it might be time to bring out another G-series or TOTL E-series.
But I KNOW how you all will react if they bring out something like the G70, but with some half-baked SA stuff (like that awful Atelier stuff) and a half-cocked version of Mega voice technology... A great big yawn. Just as you all did for the G70
G70's and E80's are built like tanks, even my five year old daily gigged on the beach one is still close to pristine, my backup one is showroom. These aren't PSR's. I know few people that bang down $3500-4500 for a TOTL arranger then abuse the heck out of it! They buy the kids a PSR, and keep them off the E80

If Roland HAVE pulled a Technics with their TOTL, at least they went out on a note that I can play for a VERY, very long time. A real cyclical breather!

Just bite the bullet, Tony, and get good pictures and a return policy on a used E80/G70, and don't worry too much. I'm really not kidding when I say they are built like tanks!