You either pay a little for your new styles now, or you wait three years and pay a FORTUNE for a new arranger with a few new styles later...
Pay for them now (and don't share them)... the more the style creator makes for his work, the more likely he will be to making a lot MORE. The less he makes...
Well, you get the picture.
Tell Yamaha you WANT copy protection for styles. It's the only way that it will EVER be profitable enough to be done in the numbers we really want. It would take little effort on Yamaha and the other manufacturers' parts to include a unique Identifier Code to each unit sold, then the style is keyed to the code. No more trading them around like bubblegum cards, and we would see FAR more being made.
Yes, I know it would suck... But having so few being made at all because of piracy sucks even worse.