Originally posted by Tonewheeldude:
The only problem I have is not with this style in particular , but the intros and endings on most arrangers; i always feel a bit of a wally just sitting there while the keyboard does something I ought to be doing! (like the guitar riff at the start and end of the video).
I think that they always use the OTT Intros for demos, but I know Roland's, and probably most others have four Intros... one is the OTT, one is the OTT without the solo, one is a basic Intro with no changes (you play them yourself) and one's just a count-in/pickup. Seems fair...
But if you find yourself eschewing all the Intros except the count-in, they can be converted to handy, dandy Break/Fills (one per Variation is MUCH more musical than one per style), with the only caveat that you have to trigger them in the bar before you need them. They can also be used for multi-bar fills, odd meter sections, all kinds of things...
Just 'cause it SAYS Intro don't mean you have to use them as such...
(BTW, unused Endings can be used as rit/pauses in the middle of songs. Just leave Autostart ON and when the rit/pause finishes, start playing again...)