C'mon, James, you can't be serious. You know that your sample libraries for sale are protected by the same intellectual property rights as the loops in a style.
Diki, I do understand where your coming from but creating a copy of one of my sample libraries and giving it away for free is piracy because you have just completely copied my entire product and have now made it obsolete.
Giving away Audya factory styles which are royalty free is not the same thing. The product in question is not the styles here, it's the Audya. Giving the styles away does not in anyway reproduce the Audya. Yes, it's reproducing part of it as in the style patterns, but that data is also provided royalty free.
So I'm not sure how Ketron can do anything here.
If on the other hand you were charging for the styles, well then that is a clear violation of the royalty free licence.
You may not like it, personally I don't either but that's just the way it is. Neither you or I can do anything about it. No law is being broken here at all.
There's an AWFUL lot of wishful thinking about this subject going on here, and VERY little educated opinion. If you don't know copyright law, if you don't know whether something is protected by law or not, do you think it is a good idea to just go ahead and PRETEND that there is none?
lol.... As the old saying goes, assumptions are the mother of all F**** up's and boy is everything your saying based on the assumption that the data is just straight up copyrighted.
If ANYTHING you said were even remotely true, then you could easily prove it by sticking the copyright in my face from any manufacture. It would be available to you. The mere fact it's not should tell you something.
I've seen an official NDA/Contracts. The Author signs over �all their rights� to the data to Ketron and then Ketron release it under the royalty free licence.