Originally posted by Irishacts:
Ok..... I can see that you haven't got a clue as to what I'm talking about. My opinion has nothing to do with anything here. It's a measurable effect that's easily proven.
Lets resolve this with pure logic then. There are two parts to this and the first is a question, the second is an experiment.
First Part.......
Lets say I give two people the same wave file to play back in their keyboards. One owns a KORG and the other owned a Tyros 3. Which do you think will sound better if they are both using the EXACT same wave file.
A: The KORG with it's new ENGINE.
B: The YAMAHA with it's 20 year old ENGINE.
C: They will both sound the same.
Second Part.....
I'll tell you the second part based on your answer above.
WE are missing one part in this discussion..
Its not only the engine that has influence on the sound, its also the soundhardware, where the actuall digital sample/sounds get translated intoo analogue waves.
To my beleives this is the reason why the OASYS sounds better then an M3, it has better D/A soundconversion.
Nevertheless i agree with you that Yamaha has been lazy and uninoveative, and thats something i'd never have expected from the people that created the VL1.
But then i also don't think the current AWM engines are the same as the AWM engine from 20 years ago, I really think they have upgraded their engine over the years and ue the AWM brand name more as a marketing tool then anything else.
So the part that you are really testing with your example is the processing (engine) but also the import/translation of a sample to the native sound data format (Data Compression methods used) But also the actuall A/D sound generation.
Personally i'd guess that i will like the KORG more but that might just be my personal flavor and taste of music. But this is something i would love someone to be do, it might add some measurable facts to these discussions.
But while being very important it will not tell which of the two keyboards sounds better as there is also the ballance between the onboard sounds and the quallity of the styles thats very important.