Glad the benefit went well, and as I said on another forum, I wish I could have been there.
As for the health issues, keep in mind that after spending 15 years working in the health industry at three leading hospitals, from my perspective about 1 percent of the physicians and surgeons I worked with were excellent. The other 99 percent didn't have a lick of common sense. and some, even if I were dying, I wouldn't let get withing same zip code of me. They were damned well dangerous when it came to the practice of medicine.
Over the years I've fired several doctors. The way I looked at it they worked for me when I was the patient. I paid them--they were supposed to do a specific job, do it well, perform the duty at a predetermined time and charge a reasonable fee. If they couldn't meet those demands, I found someone that could. Sometimes you have to do a lot of shopping to find a good product, including a good doctor. The unfortunate thing about doctors is that very few individuals know how good, or bad, their doctor is. I'm very fortunate in that during those man years spent in the operating room I got to see what they can, or cannot do, and from that I got a pretty good education about the practice of medicine. Most of the surgeons and physicians I see at this point in life are those that treat other physicians and surgeons.
Get well soon old friend,