No, Lee. What you want is a module with considerably better specs than the keyboard version (and for a lot less)...
If all you asked for is a module version of the Audya, as is, you are very likely (it seems) to get your wish. But you have to pile all sorts of impossible or improbable demands ON TOP of the basic desire for a module, and that is where you are likely to end up disappointed.
BTW, any comments about my point of the workload of preparing huge sample libraries for a non-native sampler? I keep making what I think are relevant points, and you keep ignoring them completely. The real world is a totally different place to where you want to live, I fear, my friend...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
Senior Member
Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5425
Loc: English Riviera, UK
I’m with Diki regarding a sampler, to make your own samples is extremely difficult, (Unless your just adding a few sound effects) this is why a keyboard that cannot accept 3rd party samples and instruments (VSTi etc.) is a none starter for me, as while I don’t have the skill to make them, there are that many available that I don’t need to.
English Riviera: Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).
Better than your ability to reply to my comments...
Bill, I'm not talking about MAKING your own samples. Yes, that's beyond the capabilities of most of us here, especially large multi-sampled, multi-velocity-switched acoustic instruments. I'm just talking about the work you have to do to add the correct envelopes, LFO's, velocity to ADSR and filter amounts, and the like to samples that you bring in with even their keymaps intact. It's still a herculean task on a big library...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
Set your clocks... at 1 sec after zero, leezone will feign disappointment that the new Audya module doesn't have 2GB RAM and a TB drive, and that it isn't $2000 cheaper than the keyboard version, and regretfully decide not to buy it...
The Amazing Kreskin predicts...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
Anyone with half a brain can read between the lines about your love/hate relationship with the Audya.
You are waiting for the Audya2, the Audya1 will never satisfy you or you would have one already. Simple as that. But please keep posting constantly. It's probably therapeutic
What was it about your CURRENT Ketron that made you decide it didn't NEED 2GB RAM, a TB drive, USB2, and an espresso machine? Perhaps if you thought carefully about that, you might reconsider your impossible wishlist for buying an Audya now, rather than after a countdown that will NEVER reach zero, as far as you are concerned?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!