I haven't played, video games in quite awhile. Last game I played was Black Hawk Striker 2 from Wild Tangent.com. I was doing pretty well, until I got down to, the second to last level, but kep getting wiped out. It's a really cool game, execpt every time you get shot down, you loose any weapons, that you have accumilated through out the levels of the games. Also when you start a new level, you have to gain weapons all over again. This really irratated me, to no end. Also I was getting frustrated that I could not beat, the last two bosses and finish the game. Also I was playing RISK II, but stoped after beating the computer a couple of times. Got old after awhile. Although there are other armies, and generals to battale in the game. You don't have to keep playing the same armies, and generals.
Right now, I have been spending quite a bit of time, on YouTube.com. Mostly watching old 80's music videos. Mainly becuse I grew up listening to, a lot of the music from that time period. I haven't really spent much time with my synths. I probbaly would, if they both had more knobs. That's the main reason why I don't like the Poly-61, and yeat I bought a thrid one? What was I thinking? I should have just stuck with the Poly-61 web site. Of course the omni, does not have knobs, but a few slidders, but I can't get rid of it. It was the frist vintage synth that I could afford. If I do, buy another synth, it will have knobs, and be something I really want. Not becsues the price was good.