I too do not play the number games...but side by side separates the one that out performs..
All that needed to be said ..has already been said on SZ...do a search..

Let me put it another way....would you like a list of owners that have stopped using JBL's because the Podiums completely out performed them?
I am serious..I know several..I have never been a JBL fan and I didn't find that surprising..

I also have a list of owners that switched from Mackie 350's and 450's to 802 and 1204 Podiums..
And I even have a short list of Yorkville users that switched to 1204's (our band)..
Also a short list of Yamaha users switched to 1503 Podiums..
The biggest comparison issue..bass is dominate on the Podiums..
The 10" JBL and Mackie 350 are a joke when compared to even the 802 ...bass and power are superior on the Podiums..
To date I still can't praise the Podiums enough...Dollar for dollar the best power and performance you can buy..
BTW: If you still need Eons, 350's 450's Mackies ,Yamaha MSR, Yorkville NX....let me know..You may be able to get a bargain price..but still more than you will pay for "New" Podiums....

Seriously Scott...try 802's 1003's..or the vast superior 1204's and 1504's...