Ok, my second post

I just recently got this XP-30 and am trying to interface it with Cakewalk, and I'm really very new to this.
Here's my question:
I hold down Performance and press Patch to go into 'Record mode.' I select a patch for Part 1 and set Cakewalk's track 1 to channel 1 and I'm ready to record my first track, but ... what happened to the friggin' patches?!?! Yes, I can hear them but in this 'record mode', all of the patches sound like they have been 'castrated'. Or in other words, the patches lose almost all their punch and it suddenly sounds like I'm playing a $20 Casio

WTF is going on? Can someone explain it to someone who is brand new to the world of MIDI? Is there a way in record mode that I can go and turn all the EFX back on? I know it will probably seriously screw with the polyphony, but I'd rather have 8 voice polyphony than to record with little to no EFX.