Firstly i wanna apologize in his name for hijacking peoples threads on the forums
same as he did in here: and here: and in many other forums and posts, here started doing it here now.,
popping up on any thread with my name in it, it is a guy who promised he will
do this to me long ago and now i will translate this, no need for anyone else,
i said it and let it come out of my mouth again:
Line 1: They are no good people, you guys dont come there and dont know whats going
on in there, its an ugly forums filled with arguments and there is like 4 stupid
people always posting stupidity or same thing over and over...except few like
DNJ, MIDEN, DIKI, LEE and few others. They were the same (meaning nice)
even when i met them in real (meaning when i met Lee, Stephen and few others).
Line 2: The rules of advertising are different on forums, SZ doesnt require any but its still
a nonsense forum from few old people who have nothing better to do, i met few
of them on some shows they are all old people aht keep posting all day.
You should see all the BS that goes on in there.
Now, i want him to also find when was this posted on the forums where he got
from...why, i will explain only after he does so, but i want him to post the date when
i wrote this on the original forum when it was written, it will make more sense.
No friend of his gave this to him and he exactly knows what it means.
And i apologize to all the members for saying few of the things above since that is
written way over a year ago i think, when i first came here when i had a little argument
with someone here about MRSound, i think it was Lucky2BThere. As you all know
that was in my fisrt few posts on this forum when i started, since then i grew here
and things changed but what he is doing is not fair, look, he hijacked the whole
thread instead of just opening another one. He can continue doing this and i will
not respond again to his provocation, i did so today here and on KF just to let him
know that i see his posts cuz i usually just ignore them and will coninue to do so.
It is a personal matter between you and him which he decided to drag it all over
the forums and no, it is not an unsitisfied customer, there is none like that yet at leat.
Please keep in mind that none of these 2 languages is my fluent, English or Serbian
above, in both i can missexpress my self and when translated will be or sound Horor.
I am sorry again
[This message has been edited by Nedim (edited 03-19-2010).]