#284620 - 04/05/10 09:50 AM
Re: Downloadable content
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
iPhone and iTunes use PROTECTED content. They can afford to sell an app at a few dollars, or a tune at 99, because you CAN'T copy them (or at least, only a few times for your own use, then they self-lock).
Until arrangers start to protect the content, the styles get swapped around like baseball cards. So, do you want to sell a style at $10 or a style at $1? Because, after you sell that first style, that purchaser is going to share it with all THEIR friends, and then they are going to share it with THEIR friends. One way, you make $10, the other, $1...
I believe it is time to return to a 21st century version of ROM only styles. Back in the day, when you bought an arranger, the styles in it were ROM styles, and you COULDN'T copy them. If you wanted those styles, you HAD to buy that arranger... Good for the manufacturers, good for us (because they made enough money from them to keep making new models). Some of these older arrangers had card slots you could buy ROM cards with more styles on them. And, to be fair, because these styles were uncopyable, they brought out quite a lot (comparatively) of new styles in between model releases. Because they MADE MONEY.
Fast forward to today, and the RAM styles are copied and swapped, converted, etc., the day the arranger comes out. Let's face it, how many MORE S900 users would spring for an S910, if they COULDN'T get the S910 styles converted for their older arranger?
I believe for the health of the industry (you might have noticed the death of several arranger companies lately), it is time that we had style copy protection once again. It is a fairly easy thing to 'key' a piece of software to the hardware it is loaded onto, and this is what the industry needs to do if quality styles are ever going to be made in the numbers they USED to be. The style making industry is a tiny handful of really talented guys. They make truly excellent styles for the arrangers when they come out. But after that, it's pretty much 'see you later'...
Unless we are willing to give up something in the way of our ability to STEAL people's styles (I'm sorry, but there really isn't any other way to look at this), what possible reason would a talented, first rate style maker have for actually making any MORE styles and selling them to us? He pretty much knows that we are going to steal them from the first guy that makes them available...
It's tough enough making a living as a musician, but then add in that we seem to be all TOO willing to actually steal from each other, given half a chance, and you really can't blame these guys for throwing their hands up and walking away from the job until a manufacturer hires them again to make the NEXT batch of ROM (RAM, really) styles for the NEXT arranger in the series. And sadly, that appears to be on an at least three year cycle.
So, you get a batch of styles when the arranger is launched, and then that's pretty much IT, for three years or more... Me, I'd like some new ones a LOT more often than that. I'd like styles in genres that aren't maybe well represented by the Majors' ROM sets. But until the arrangers have a more robust copy protection, we're never going to see this.
IF every single third party and extra factory style used by arranger players resulted in a dollar going to the writer of that style, they'd be making enough money to make doing this constantly a good living for them. But if we keep taking the fruits of their labor, and giving them to each other for free, they make next to no money, and consequently no new styles.
We are the ones in the end hurt the most by doing this, though... Instead of a plethora of quality styles that match the level of our arrangers' ROM styles constantly available, we get ugly 'conversions' from other arranger that rarely hold a candle to the ROM styles, and legacy styles that don't leverage the newer sounds and dynamic capabilities of our new arrangers. And we only get a batch of newer styles every three or four YEARS....
This doesn't make sense.
I'd HAPPILY pay a buck for a new style, on the proviso that it CAN'T leave my keyboard, and I can't copy it and give it to a friend. HE'D be happy to pay the buck, too. So would ALL of you. And that's a LOT of bucks for the style maker. Enough to ensure he WANTS to make a bunch more for us.
But unless those styles are protected, keyed to the arranger itself, SOMEONE will invariably share the style. And that's the end of the money for the style writer.
We are cutting our own throats here, and the arranger industry has given us the knife. It is time to make styles uncopyable, again...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!