Hey this thread reminds me of the "good old days"......mine is better...

A few comments from me...some may be offended by a remark or two....but keep in mind...these are my opinions only..
First off ...to stir the pot a bit...

I have been a Yamaha fan for many years...mostly early 80's thru 90's....the Yamaha arrangers did not fall in my favorite list...never...Just personal opinion...maybe being able to have other arranger keyboards to side by side compared, helped my opinion..
I always purchased the Yamaha arrangers but always left me wanting more...in some cases less (dang hand clap)..

I have owned along line of PSR's ..6700, 500, 320, 740, 2000, 2100 etc..I passed on the 3000, 900...and also the 9000...I played Uncle Dave's..that was enough,..same repackaged stuff...

Likewise, I had the Tyros3 for a very short time...I just could not see what you guys got excited about... the new owner likes it..

I have been dealing and using Solton/Ketron products since the early 80's....I wouldn't worry about them folding tent anytime soon...Solton/Ketron users are the most loyal and pleased consumers....period.
Sure they are a small company....compared to the "big 3"....but they have always retained their market share...
Now about the quality..hardware and sound..
Solton/Ketron has always been at the top in both categories....the majority of the sounds beat the competition...in my opinion..of course there are other manufacturers that have certain sounds that are head and shoulders better....The SA guitar from Yamaha...the Scat and choir from Roland (GS)..etc..(sorry I can't think of a standout from Korg at the moment..I am sure they must have...one)...

The early Solton MS series were the cream of the crop, in the sound department..always full sound and very realistic for leads etc..(early 80's)...
The Ketron X1...completely dominated the sound dept....The famous bass/drums...and styles were teriffic..and the quality lead voices were great too...Back then 1998-1999, I was using the Roland G1000 and a Ketron X1....The X1 over-matched most of the G1000 in the sounds area, but was out done by the G1000 is sequence playback (GS)...I also preferred the G1000 OS over the Ketron...and actually this remains true today..I prefer the Roland /E80 OS over the SD series..
I have always thought that Ketron needed to improve things with their OS.....Maybe I would be one of those dedicated Ketron guys like DanO...if the OS equaled my Roland stuff..
BTW: I always disliked the PSR/Tyros OS too..too many button pushes and "crossword puzzles" to get where I want to go....
I still think Roland is unmatched in operating procedures.....Sure it could be what we are use too.....

From what I hear from the Audya....it is simply the best sounding keyboard...not just arranger, in the closed keyboard market..