Originally posted by DanO1:
If I was being considered for a job and made glowing remarks about a product that I was invited to see, hear, evaluate and posted those positive comments on a public forum on the internet.
Then after finding out that the job would work out, you start to publically trash the product, I would call that as having poor taste and being unprofessional.
Since you changed your post now what i said above probably wont make sense now:
I am repeating that i am not trashing the product, i just state facts that are there, we cannot
ignore those facts, i am not saying things out of my brain for no reason, trust me i know
exactly what i am talking about. This has nothing to do with a job being offered or anything,
i was/am in the area and had the opportunity to check the machine, which i have also done
for Korg, under different circumstances, in this case, Directly for Korg USA, under their own
menagement, together with Jerry Kowarski. I trashed/bashed (as you call it) them too, i was
asked to be honest, by Jerry for Korg and also by Ted for Ketron. Thats what i did. Not honest
with them but honest with the public cuz i deal with him a lot. They have probably been aware
of the damage/advertisement i could do but they chosed me to be honest. This is what i am saying:
1. It doesnt have a good FX processor
2. It doesnt have a Style Creator
3. It doesnt have a good Sampling Editor
4. It doesnt have any Sound editing capabilities
5. It doesnt have enough RAM for using Sampled material
6. Lacking all these things the price is too high
Now, i would like someone to ENLIGHTEN me where is in here the BASHING/TRASHING i am
saying or my opinions...are all of these 6 points something i created in my head???
Who cares? As you have the right to as for arranger features and bash at it cuz dont have some
dont i have the same exact right to say from my point of view or from my needs?
And as far as bashing/trashing goes, i never bashed Ketron as much as i did Korg, dont some
of you remember who was the reason of releasing 2.01 for PA in 2 weeks after 2.0???
Yes i know, they would've done so in the future anyways but why in 2 weeks this time?
Or was it probably something else? Or screaming at them directly, not just on public forums,
i mean screaming directly actually at people that ran the project itself...no way in hell i ever
bashed at Ketron but i did hell of a bash at Korg...even though i swear by their name.
James knows what i did, was doing and probably still doing.
MC, Enlighten me please where do you see any hatred for Ketron in here please???
I still dont understand
[This message has been edited by Nedim (edited 04-19-2010).]