Originally posted by DanO1:
Please list your music education and bands you have toured with that compare to Jordan Ruddess career.
Didn't you post something about needing piano lessons ?[/B]
Thats a senseless comment, this has nothing to do with a good Musician,
hard to believe? It simple logics of:
Someones Garbage is somone Elses Treasure...thats the JR comparison...dont be too literal.
You knowing how to read music or play better then me doesnt also make you better in the
judgmeent of the instrument cuz after all that might be ALL you know and nothing else...
Of course thats not said directly to you, it is more to make a point...and what bands i worked
for is irelevant...maybe i worked for bands that are bigger then Dream Theater itself but for
some people...if not for you...or vice versa...(cuz in reality you are trying to say that your
music or culture is better then mine...you are wrong.) Why do i say this? Ask yourself.
A good keyboard player from my culture and music is not any less VALIT then JR himself...
it is to those people within that culture or music a lot more then maybe JR to you...thats the
logic of my comparison to JR. Not all of us are complete, if i am better programmer then you
or know the intruments technically better then you doesnt make me also a beter keyboardist
then you, you might bebetter on the other side...its 2 different worlds working together for the same goal.
[This message has been edited by Nedim (edited 04-21-2010).]