Originally posted by FransN:
Isn't that what The MS people do to other brands. Putting down my Korg. Saying the MS is superior to Korg and Yamaha. Do you think I like that. Making claims that they are better then closed keyboards. They started it and I say what I think.
[This message has been edited by FransN (edited 04-29-2010).]
Frans you missed an important thing, we never stated that Korg and Yamaha have bad instrumetns...
Most people are better off with closed instruments anyway, as they just want to start playing music right out of the box, and have a near perfect sounding style under the next button for every song they want to play.
But then there are people that love to toy around with their settings to make things sound even better, they love to tweak their sounds beyound even the possibilities of a Korg. They want to have the broadest sound sellection possible and the highest quallity.
For those people there is open instruments. And yes when you put your time and knowledge inthere they must sound better, but at a fair cost of time invested.
So where does that leave me... I want the best of all worlds...
- Great sounding styles straight from the box
- Best sound quallity
- Karma
- Run my VST's
I am still not convinced mediastation will suit all my needs.
So either i might purchase a Lionstracs Groove X7 and a Korg M3 rack.
Or go back to my orriginal plan of using a Kurzweil PC3 with both an Audya 4 module and an openlabs Dbeat(when they finally support KARMA).
Well i have some time left to decide because i'll have to wayt till late this year till my savings come free, and i have the cash to spend on this. (Was orriginally going to buy a Wersi, but that dream was crushed some time ago)
I have a lot of experience tough with VSt's and Software, enough to know that a VST, or an extensive Giga sample is lightyears ahead of the current close arranger models. But not far enough ahead to make a medicore player on mediastation sound better then a great player on a T3 or PA2X.
I am nothing but a medicore player at best, that really enjoys making music at home. And playing with my toys makes me relax from the daily stress at work.