Arguments about the MS with me go round and round because nobody offers any EXAMPLE of what they are talking about. I don't expect anyone to simply take my WORD about something... especially if they disagree strongly. There's only one thing that can change their minds. MUSIC. If I can post a musical example that proves my point, I'm only TOO happy to oblige. Saves a whole bunch of typing! (Pointless typing, at that!)
James has made me see things in a different light about the Karma GE's with one example. He probably couldn't have done it in six months' of posting!
So, I sit here and wait. And wait. And wait.... . . . . .
This is an ARRANGER forum. I don't need ANYONE to tell me what VSTi's can do for sequencing. Been doing it for as long as anyone on this forum, and probably longer than most. But I realize the paradigm difference between sequencing and arranger play. Look, there's really only ONE good reason to use an arranger... Because you want to be spontaneous, you want to be able to play any tune you feel like, any way you feel like, at any time you feel like, and medley stuff together, morph tunes into something totally different to the way you did it yesterday, all without days or weeks of pre-programming everything. A WS CANNOT do this. An arranger can.
Which is why I place so much emphasis on how the MS deals with the types of things that typically get asked for on an arranger. And I keep getting back the answer that, yes, you OUGHT to be able to do this, that and the other. Trouble is, nobody seems able to actually DO IT. At least, not to the standards that a closed arranger achieves. If this were a WS forum, I'd be agreeing with James about most of what he has posted, and the other MS evangelists. But until I start to
hear the MS being used how 99% of arranger players use an arranger, I believe my skepticism is justified. Most of what has been posted using an MS in arranger mode has been embarrassing at best, and excruciating at worst. After YEARS of hearing this, no words are going to change my mind. Only MUSIC...
After all, that's what I do. I'm not a writer. I'm a musician. Answer me in the language I speak!
So, show me the MS being used as an arranger. Show me how well it does what most of us use an arranger for. Show me how fast and how excellent YOUR style translations are. And start with some seriously good closed styles, not wanky legacy GM bullsh*t that no-one would use in their right minds. Open arrangers aren't the ONLY thing that has gotten seriously better in the last six years! The styles and sounds (and the whole gestalt of the two) have got MUCH better in closed arrangers, too. Compare the MS to THEM (in the style department) and you'll see how high the bar is...
All of MY objections to the MS arranger concept are based on personal experience. I've worked with VSTi's since year one. I've been translating styles for donkey's years. I've been using arrangers for fifteen years or more. I'm not just sitting here, making posts for the hell of it. I don't see the solutions to some of my issues, and it is obvious that no-one with an MS has either...
Or they would have made post after post of music that blows a closed arranger away, just to shut me up!
And no-one has...
Don't TELL me how good the MS is. SHOW ME... (or shut up!). I can back what I say with music. Can you..?