And James, I know some people are content just to swap the GM sounds on a midi file and then perform with that as it is. If all you are hearing is midi notes then I guess that will do I suppose…unless you heard the original file that had been programmed on the original instrument that showcased the original instruments capabilities.
Ok.. don't take what I'm saying directed at you, this is a general reply to everyone.
To even care what the style sounded like on the original keyboard is an utter waste of time because no Lionstracs keyboard will ever sound like a Yamaha if you load a Yamaha style, just as no Yamaha will ever sound like a KORG if you load a KORG style into that.
Everyone needs to accept that fact and get over it. Cause and effect guys....!!! There is a argument here on this subject at all. You simply cannot make use of RX notes or other items that trigger layers in sounds unless you clone the sounds.... and since that's not going to happen why is anyone even talking about comparing.
It's like this..... You get a style from whatever keyboard, it DOES NOT MATTTER.... and you load it into your Mediastation and you assign the best sound you have. The end result of this will depend on the sounds you picked and what your two ears tell you. Either way you will still end with a Style that's totally playable. There are no technical aspects of anything that will prevent that from every happening unless your completely tone deaf and lack the ability to follow some simply instructions.
If you want more and better sounds... then you do what we are doing right now which is building our own GM bank from premium content.
The better the sounds the more layers you have, the longer the samples, and the more of them you get per individual sound. Which automatically = superior sounds which will perform any midi data you throw at them in a superior way, more dynamics and everything will just sound far more realistic.
So wondering what an original style sounded like is an utter waste of time.
And James, I know some people are content just to swap the GM sounds on a midi file and then perform with that as it is. If all you are hearing is midi notes then I guess that will do I suppose…unless you heard the original file that had been programmed on the original instrument that showcased the original instruments capabilities. But we can agree to differ James , it wont affect my view of the very good foundation you are working out for future MS users and I am a believer in most aspects of the MS (and korgs karma feature as an arranger tool ) purely thanks to your efforts. That’s saying something.
That's all anyone CAN do. You can't reproduce RX trigger notes on any other keyboard unless you clone the sounds just as you can't do the same with Yamaha mega vocies and so on.
You have to also understand that the reason those technologies even exist is because the sounds don't have the layers a premium Giga file is going to have or the responses it will give at certain velocities.
This trigger data is very specific to the sounds selected, but yet I you assign a premium giga file it will reproduce the straight midi notes in far more detail than the original sound. Sure the triggers won't be there, but the dynamics of the instrument will respond far better to the note velocity.
So there is a balance to all this. One one hand you won't be able to get access to the triggers, but on the other hand your sounds are superior in every way imaginable and they respond to straight midi notes far better than the original sounds.
If korg integrate karma in its arranger products then it would change the game again!
Now that's something that nobody could ever even attempt to emulate by conversion processes. If KORG put KARMA inside an arranger.... well game over for all other closed arrangers.
Actually that’s something I might start as a thread on the Korg forum using you demo if that’s ok with you?
Go for it. You never know what the future may hold. All I can say is that KORG see everything that goes on. More so than you can ever know.
