Thanx for all the good responses.
I think I need to clarify a bit by the looks of some of the respones here.
Someone made the inference that I don't know how to fill a dance floor etc, etc.

I play for a number of dance clubs. A few are weekly, some are monthly, etc.
Today, for instance, I played solo for an ongoing brunch. I had a couple travel 1 1/2 hours to hear me and dance to my music. Another couple drove an hour. Both drove in bad weather, one wasn't feeling well. This is common for the niche I've found for myself in the different dance halls. It absolutely floors me, really. But I am flattered by the people in the area dance community that do this in the different places I play. One guy lives in Pensacola. On the day's when I do my weekly gig in town, he will drive to Mobile, a good hour to get his dance partner, drives another hour to the dance, another hour to take her home and another hour to get back home in Pensacola. Some real die-hards.
Two venues is a duo. There are another bunch of dance clubs that have asked me to perform solo instrumental. So, I have found out you don't have to sing or have a singer to be successful.
All of my gigs for some time have all been by referral. They seek me out.
Do I gig often? For example, I had only 4 open days recently one month and turned down about a dozen other gigs.
I am really a pretty humble kind of guy, but I thought that I needed to point this out by the way some of the posters answered.
I was hoping that people would give their top 5, 10, 20 or whatever songs that they find fill the floor for them in their particular setting. Maybe songs that just about everybody would dance to. Maybe it would be their favorites. But also I wanted to see what others playing different types of gigs where playing, as I want to keep myself kind of updated. I thought everyone, not just me could gain by this.
I hope we hear from everybody. Who knows who might pick up a couple new tunes, remember one that they haven't played in eons, get a different perspective, etc,
I hope we hear form Donny, Gary, Bill, Don, etc, etc....