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#287702 - 05/20/10 07:05 AM Re: Music played on the groove X7
Irishacts Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 11/18/01
Posts: 1631
Loc: Ireland
Hi Diki.

I wonder sometimes if you guys even bother READING my posts... as long as it has my name at the start, the same crap gets boilerplated out

Quite the opposite actually. It's you who are not listening and it's you and you alone. Everyone else has been following the progress and taking on board everything that has been explained and demonstrated as well as asking questions. Which has been great, people are getting to hear what they want now and they are been given the information to make up their own mind.

You on the other hand are trying to force feed everyone your opinion and get them to only agree with what you believe things are. This is wrong. People should be allowed to make up their own mind based on the free flow of information.

Some of you fail to understand that this is an ARRANGER forum. As such, there are a LOT of pretty nontechnical players here, a lot of amateurs, and a lot of players that haven't really kept up with technology. Now, you guys are obviously forward thinkers, on the cutting edge, yada yada yada , but you have to understand that not everybody is like you. I've always been upfront with how much and how long I've been using computers and VSTi's (and you have always done your best to ignore it) but at least I'm aware that many haven't done this. And I try to write from their perspective, just to balance the wild enthusiasm for this new type of keyboard.

lol... I call that the God Complex.

This is just another example of you trying to dictate the way things are and not allowing people to make up their own mind. Diki, your not the voice or the savour of the arranger community bringing the “Real” truth to the people. People can make up their own minds on weather a keyboard like this is for them are not. They are not children or idiots that need you to save them from the evils of Open Technology.

It's simple.... People are listening (except you) to what is being presented to them and they are getting to hear and see how the keyboard operates. From this flow of information which is the truth and totally uncensored, people can then make up their own minds if it's the keyboard for them or not.

Even if they are not interested in buying one it does not matter. The mere fact that they can walk away with a good understanding of what the keyboards have to offer is all anyone can ask here. This is the entire point behind Discussion Forums / Online Communities. We can tell it how it really is and we certainly don't have to lick Lionstracs rear end and say only nice things. So nobody needs to hear your version of the truth Diki. They can already get the real truth from people who actually own the keyboards.

BTW.... If you have been using VSTi's as long as you say, can you please upload something. I don't think I've actually heard any of your music to be honest.

None of you has had, let's just say a trouble-free experience with it, and that is with prodigious technical skills. I simply wish that some of you could perhaps post with this fact in mind. It is altogether too easy to simply forget that much of what you take for granted is absolute Greek to most arranger players. All I ever try to do is inject this into your threads, lest anyone be fooled into thinking that using one of these things approaches the ease and simplicity of an arranger... after all, that's where we are ALL coming from, on this forum.

That's a classic “Diki shoots first and stick his head in the sand move” that I'm on about.

Why don't you follow through now with the rest of the story and tell everyone how fast Domencio was to address every single issue people found ?

While your at it why don't you also go on to say that with all that, he still had time to intergrade an new Media Player into the OS and also provide me with enough information so I could write an entire computer progarm from scratch that allowed everyone to manage Giga Libraries.

Domencio even changed how Linux sampler reads it's own file format to improve not only how my program would work with his systems, but how the entire filing system works and it's dependence on txt files.

Your very sneaky Diki with posts. You go on about telling the truth and keeping things real when in fact your just being extremely sneaky and spreading only part of the story that suites your needs.

There have been forums for years about samplers, sampling, orchestral virtual production etc., but I doubt but a handful of our members here go there. Offering a balanced and objective opinion and demos about open keyboards would be a great service to our membership, but so often I find myself having to add these details to otherwise incomplete posts, doing little but evangelize the open concept.

You assume how things are here and you appoint yourself as spokesman for everyone as if it's your job to keep things real and bring people the full story when in fact you do nothing but twist the truth and only tell the part of the story that serves your needs.

I've been doing orchestral production using a combination of VSTi's, samplers (usually my Kurzweil reading Akai disks) and closed keyboards for well over fifteen years. If you think that I am in no position to comment about open keyboards, you are sadly mistaken.

Good for you.
Lets hear them then.

I'm also not saying that you are in no position to talk about VSTi's and Samples. I am saying that at you are totally and utterly twisting the truth by focusing on only the negative parts and never telling the full story.

If you don't want ME to put in the caveats and reality checks to your posts, PUT THEM IN YOURSELVES.

I actually feel pity for you at this point. Seriously.


#287703 - 05/20/10 08:39 AM Re: Music played on the groove X7
Dnj Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Domenic did you recieve my email I sent yesterday this time via your support contact page?

#287704 - 05/20/10 08:50 AM Re: Music played on the groove X7
AFG Music Offline

Registered: 03/12/09
Posts: 513
two more qranger audio style demo from

[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 05-20-2010).]

#287705 - 05/20/10 11:11 AM Re: Music played on the groove X7
Diki Offline

Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14370
Loc: NW Florida
As I said, James... if you guys were as willing to point out the caveats and gotchas of open keyboards as you are to emphasize its' good points, I wouldn't be posting at all. You criticize me for focusing only on the negative, but don't accept that exact same criticism for only focusing on the positive. Talk about a head in the sand!

There has to be SOME balance to all this... You don't see this forum simply accepting ANYONE'S unbridled enthusiasm for any arranger whatsoever without some counter opinion, reality checks and good old fashioned plain open criticism. I don't see you leaping to the defense of someone who might be as one sided in his admiration for a specific closed arranger. But you want that for the MS...

Well, sorry, old chum, but it ain't gonna happen!

Just as Yamaha people can point out problems with Ketron's, Roland's or Korg's (and vice versa), those of us with closed arrangers can point out potential pitfalls with open arrangers, and open keyboards in general. The story is NOWHERE near as one-sided as most of the pro-open posters make out...

Let's simply take your example of Dom's willingness to change the OS to suit you. Where was Dom's willingness to change things when it has been pointed out the shortcomings of his own arranger software? Where are the On Bass chords after six YEARS of development..? Dom conveniently abrogates HIS responsibility by discontinuing any further support for a TRULY integrated arranger solution in favor of third party players that don't integrate well with the keyboard (not as well as closed ones do, at least!). There are several BIG disadvantages of the style player software's over conventional closed arrangers on an operational level (going from one style to another without stopping, for instance). Where was Dom's legendary responsiveness then? He actually WROTE his own style player (it is still included to play MS styles) and never finished it...

You see, by only posting the good and none of the bad, you force SOMEBODY to post about the other side of the coin. In lieu of someone else, guess that's me... If that's a God complex, you have a very low opinion of a deity

I just call it 'keeping it real'...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!

#287706 - 05/20/10 11:51 AM Re: Music played on the groove X7
abacus Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5425
Loc: English Riviera, UK
Diki is RIGHT, and the rest of the world is WRONG.

Come on Diki, as I have said (And others are now reiterating) you are NOT the centre of the universe, so stop pretending you are.

As to demos, as you always keep saying “Put up or Shut up” so post something to prove your point, (Not a manufacture demo or smothered in vocals) or follow your own advice.
All the Best

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).

#287707 - 05/20/10 12:11 PM Re: Music played on the groove X7
spalding1968 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/19/08
Posts: 1264
Loc: United Kingdom
i think the kind of close working community that the MS owners are developing is truly admirable and the contribution that i see coming from AFG ,Miden and Irish Acts is fantastic. Dom seems to be very responsive to the requests for changes to the OS of the MS and seems to be now listening to the needs of his customers when in the past that was not so apparent. What is painfully obvious is that Dom needs help. Someone like James to give expertise from a users point of view rather than as a programmer although its clear he has those skills two. But there has to be some caution excercised here. what concerns me is that whilst the cooeration amongst the MS community is quite good , it relies purely on good will and the amount of spare time users have to test and in some cases de bug and adapt software and apply their own programming skills to help the manufacturer produce a product that is fit for its purpose.Whilst this is a benefit to those potential MS users that dont have the high level programming skills, what happens when James buiness ventures pic up again and he is too busy to assist ?

How then can a user explain the problems they may encounter to Dom if they dont understand the high level of programming knowledge demontstrated so far that has led to the advances the MS has made even in the last 4 months ?

I for one dont have a problem with the objections being made or the caveats being made by diki(although his style of debating might ruffle some feathers) or anyone because at the end of the day i am a musician that likes to make music . The keyboard is the medium for making music but it often can easily become the obstacle to making music.

#287708 - 05/20/10 12:34 PM Re: Music played on the groove X7
abacus Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5425
Loc: English Riviera, UK
Hi Spalding
You make some good points, and the only thing I can say, is that Helmut at Tastenpoint, (A dealer that has to sell products to make a profit to stay in business) has been aware of Lionstracs for some time now, however only with the release of the Groove, does he now consider it a product for the general public and has thus become a dealer. (Remember any problems are the dealer’s responsibility, and you don’t sell something that is going to turn round and bite you in the backside)
Therefore if a dealer is prepared to sell the product the same as he sells, Roland, Orla etc. products, then he must have confidence in it being able to do what it says on the Tin. (After all he has fully tested it)


[This message has been edited by abacus (edited 05-20-2010).]
English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).

#287709 - 05/20/10 12:53 PM Re: Music played on the groove X7
Dnj Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Domenic did you receive my email I sent again yesterday this time via your support contact page? could it be getting bounced into your spam folder/ there another email I could sent to?

#287710 - 05/20/10 02:01 PM Re: Music played on the groove X7
Bachus Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 03/02/06
Posts: 7143
Originally posted by spalding1968:
i think the kind of close working community that the MS owners are developing is truly admirable and the contribution that i see coming from AFG ,Miden and Irish Acts is fantastic. Dom seems to be very responsive to the requests for changes to the OS of the MS and seems to be now listening to the needs of his customers when in the past that was not so apparent. What is painfully obvious is that Dom needs help. Someone like James to give expertise from a users point of view rather than as a programmer although its clear he has those skills two. But there has to be some caution excercised here. what concerns me is that whilst the cooeration amongst the MS community is quite good , it relies purely on good will and the amount of spare time users have to test and in some cases de bug and adapt software and apply their own programming skills to help the manufacturer produce a product that is fit for its purpose.Whilst this is a benefit to those potential MS users that dont have the high level programming skills, what happens when James buiness ventures pic up again and he is too busy to assist ?

How then can a user explain the problems they may encounter to Dom if they dont understand the high level of programming knowledge demontstrated so far that has led to the advances the MS has made even in the last 4 months ?

This is exactly what mediastation needs most.. People that beleive in the system and start developing for it. People like James and Helmut.

Linux is a community thing, based on a lot of people that help build it just because that is what they love to do. And exactly this is what i hope to see in the future of lionstracs. James with his free LSCP GEN i hopefully just a beginning. PEople creating stuff and sharing it is a noble thing in this world and exactly this is what should make mediastation instruments rise above all others.

Dom listens to the community ever since i met him overehere and kept listening and improving. And now finally the reslut of his effords is there. An instrument that many can appreciate and from now should only get better and better.

Tough everyone should realise that a continuing development process like this is allways two steps forward one step back and part of the success will be dependent on how quick Dom can repair the "Step backwards"
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.

#287711 - 05/20/10 03:34 PM Re: Music played on the groove X7
cgiles Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Originally posted by abacus:
Diki is RIGHT, and the rest of the world is WRONG.

Come on Diki, as I have said (And others are now reiterating) you are NOT the centre of the universe, so stop pretending you are.

As to demos, as you always keep saying “Put up or Shut up” so post something to prove your point, (Not a manufacture demo or smothered in vocals) or follow your own advice.
All the Best


My wife keeps wondering why I'm always sitting at the computer, laughing. It's the ease in which Diki can whip you guys up into a frenzy with the simplest of posts . You have to ask the question, who's in control of this situation. Think about it. Here's a thought. Read his posts carefully (there's usually a good deal of well-thought-out logic plus some good information in there) and respond only to the parts that you disagree with (and stick to just why you disagree with them). James usually does this although it's sometimes also 'flavored' with a few personal quips. Keep it strictly content-relevant and forget about the messenger. If you ummm, 'adjust' to his writing style , and find that what he says is actually on point (even if it rubs you the wrong way), then either acknowledge it or don't respond. Diki is tough, so attacking him or getting into a war of words, is going to be pretty much a waste of time (except for providing a huge amount of fun and entertainment for me and Tony Hughes ).

Also, Spalding has a good point in that a pro musician who depends on his 'ax' to make a living, may not be as enamoured of the 'community' approach to R&D, beta testing, support software, etc. It's a nice concept but having to rely on that approach as a development path could be problematic. JMO.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]

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