#287724 - 05/21/10 07:25 AM
Re: Music played on the groove X7
Senior Member
Registered: 11/18/01
Posts: 1631
Loc: Ireland
#287725 - 05/21/10 11:22 AM
Re: Music played on the groove X7
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14370
Loc: NW Florida
And this, boys and girls, is what passes for reasoned discussion on this forum...  Way I see the numbers, it isn't me against the world. It is the TINY, tiny minority of open keyboard users against the world. No-one buys into this boondoggle, especially here. Your post about Tastenpoint only JUST admitting that the Groove is finally a viable commercial product is somehow jumped on as a positive point, rather than an admission that, despite the EXACT same fanboy behavior being exhibited for the last five or more years (by some of the exact same people), it WASN'T. Choice of keyboard, especially for professionals, isn't a matter of BELIEF. It a matter of FACT. It isn't religion, it is WORK. When you pick something to work with, there are a few factors to consider... how much does it cost, how does it sound, how well does it work, how much time will it take to prep it for a gig (anybody gigging with their MS yet? Anyone...? Using it as an arranger?  ), what kind of dealer support and warranty and repair support will you get, how robust and roadworthy it is. It isn't about picking a 'concept' and going with that, whether it is practical or not... I might be one of the few posting about these issues, but don't let that fool you. The fact that open arrangers have the tiniest of tiny sales numbers (even the ber-expensive Audya is outselling the MS by a vast margin) simply shows that, when push comes to shove, MOST potential purchasers take these factors into consideration and walk away... It isn't me against the world. It is YOU...  And you are the ones that are saying you are right and everyone else is wrong! Not me  I am merely articulating WHY most people are eschewing them.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#287730 - 05/21/10 03:35 PM
Re: Music played on the groove X7
Senior Member
Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5425
Loc: English Riviera, UK
1. The universe quote did not start in this thread; I have mentioned it many times before in reply to your constant comments implying that because a keyboard (Closed or Open) doesnt do what You want, others should not consider it, or there must be something wrong with it.
2. I have always answered factually on any queries or points you have made, (Although it is noticeable that you have ignored many that didnt fit your point of view) so dont try and twist the facts, to try and make it look like users are ganging up on you, just accept the fact that not everyone in the world wants the same as you.
English Riviera: Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).
#287731 - 05/23/10 08:18 AM
Re: Music played on the groove X7
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14370
Loc: NW Florida
Bill, you are unfortunately lumped in with many that DON'T respond the way you do. I don't see you chiding the open fans the way you do me, yet their ignoring of valid points is almost total... Sauce for the goose...
In fairness, Bill, you don't even HAVE an MS, and many of its' shortcomings don't affect the Wersi's, who have integrated style player and VSTi to a greater degree than Lionstracs. Primarily, my remarks have pretty much all been addressed at the MS and it's fans, who still have this habit of completely ignoring or deriding ANY comment bringing a degree of reality back into their rose tinted view.
To this date, for instance, no-one has YET really addressed the scale of the workload needed to make a gig-ready product from the barebones that the MS starts from. You don't have that issue, Wersi having spent quite a lot of money to make sure that Yamaha Mega-voice styles DO work well, without needing tedious translation and editing.
But look, no-one is telling anyone in the open community to NOT post about it. But apparently, some of them (perhaps not you, but you can see the posts of those that do) feel that it is not my right (and I guess, by extension, anyone else trying to make the same points) to keep bringing these points up... And, I'm afraid, I am NOT going to be silenced until someone actually steps up to the plate and PROVES what they say. Until then, I just feel that every position needs a counter position to balance it.
Until it is illustrated with example, rather than rhetoric.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!