#287742 - 05/24/10 04:32 PM
Re: Music played on the groove X7
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Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Irishacts: My 2 cents....
So my advice is don't get bogged down talking with Diki and do something else. You won't get your point across to him, so why even try. As the saying goes, don't feed the troll.
Regards James I have to agree with Chas...totally unnecessary, and very rude, as well, James...even for you. Tsk tsk! Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#287745 - 05/24/10 04:52 PM
Re: Music played on the groove X7
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Registered: 01/31/06
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Well we will all have to agree to disagree then.
Diki has be deliberately antagonistic, derogatory, agressive and confrontationalist, in pretty much every post he makes about open hardware, software and Lionstracs products in particular.
Even when he DOES pose some sort of legitimate question, he cannot stop himself from adding barbs, sarcastic comments, or just plain insults. Especially if the answer is at odds with his view of the world.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...well you know the rest....
If you read ALL previous posts and threads re this whole issue, you will find that Diki has mostly instigated the hostility.
James has finally had enough, after giving Diki many chances to simple adopt an open mind and view things in an objective manner, instead of trying to impose his will and opinions (mostly incorrect) on all the rest of us.
I even tried offering a small olive branch a week or so ago, but he bit that hand as well.
The man simply cannot control his ego, and his need to try and dominate EVERY conversation that he dips his oar into.
#287746 - 05/24/10 05:02 PM
Re: Music played on the groove X7
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Registered: 01/31/06
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And further, again, if you READ the threads, you will find that James has gone out of his way many times in the past to accommodate questions and issues Diki has raised. Domenico has done the same, but over a MUCH longer period. Diki has said many times he does give a rats about anyones respect or opinions, and it seems only his own warped and mis-informed views on pretty much anything are all that he believes in. And I suspect if he SAYS he respects someones' opinion or views, there would always be some ulterior motive for trying to forge alliances in any debate. I used to read all of his posts with interest, and respect as it did seem he knew a great deal, after all he certainly DOES "talk the talk", but after the malicious rhetoric, and vilification of pretty much all MS users, amongst many others (not just MS users, but other people as well) I don't usually bother anymore. And I don't care if he does not care  Bottom line is you guys should not really criticise James, Domenico, Nedim et al for finally getting fed up with all the rubbish writes. There is finite point in everyones' patience and I think theirs has finally run out. He would probably do alright on Survivor.
#287747 - 05/24/10 06:47 PM
Re: Music played on the groove X7
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Registered: 05/13/08
Posts: 1144
Loc: Staten Island, NYC
Ian, the problem with Diki is that he will simply try to tell you that YOUR wife is not YOUR wife...in this case i am still waiting for his: YOU CANT OPEN THAT MANY VST'S and his BLAH BLAH BLAH of arguments and proofs...based on his B.S. Even though i do that every single day for making a living, opening tonz of VST's. I dont think anyone in here knows whats his problem, most of us have head it and i am still holding back and trying to be civilised, he insulted EVERYBODY in here at least once if not more...I post something about cars he talks about airplanes, i posted something about women he talks about homosexuals and so on... I am posting an MP3 so someone can hear some sounds he comes up with the idea of I DONT PLAY GOOD (i know i do...been doing it and making a living out of it for years) and not just few simple chords and 3 notes solo's...his Eyes will start rolling if he sees me REAL soloing but thats besides the point. Instead of finding an argument about the Sounds he tells me i dont know how to play. I will still hold back and be civilized but i will always be preemtive on him, i will always comment before he does cuz its obvious, we all know ahead of time what he is gonna say and i am just waiting for his response now about the VST's...if you want and if he want i can type it right now, exactly as he will...so we dont waste time.
Cubase 8.5 Pro. Windows 7 X64. ASUS SaberTooth X99. Intel I7 5820K. ASUS GTX 960 Strix OC 2GB. 4x8 GB G.SKILL. 2 850 PRO 256GB SSDs. 1 850 EVO 1TB SSD. Acustica: Nebula Server 3 Ultimate, Murano, Magenta 3, Navy, Titanium.
#287748 - 05/24/10 06:53 PM
Re: Music played on the groove X7
Senior Member
Registered: 05/13/08
Posts: 1144
Loc: Staten Island, NYC
I used to read all of his posts with interest, and respect as it did seem he knew a great deal, after all he certainly DOES "talk the talk", but after the malicious rhetoric, and vilification of pretty much all MS users, amongst many others (not just MS users, but other people as well) I don't usually bother anymore.[/B][/QUOTE]
I did the same, i had respect for him at the begining and he knew a lot untill i figured it all out, a while back on an Ethnic forum this guy jumped for a while and he had all the answers and hey, we were all amazed. It took us time to realize that he knew only ONE thing and nothing else that he claimed: All he knew was to click HOME on the browser, then type WIKIPEDIA and then the Topic we were talking on...This synth? Ok, here are the specs bum bum bum... And thats all he did, used Wikipedia for everything and we thought he had all the answers. There is no need for Diki to answer me something, i own more Synths then he has ever owned Cars, Synths and Women together and i am not saying this to show off its just if he ever engages with me i will challenge him on a topic on any synth and machine...of course, not using WIKI but thru Videos...This WIKI ruined the world. Now even my little 4 years old nephew already is telling me which computer is better for Audio...and yes, he can read.
Cubase 8.5 Pro. Windows 7 X64. ASUS SaberTooth X99. Intel I7 5820K. ASUS GTX 960 Strix OC 2GB. 4x8 GB G.SKILL. 2 850 PRO 256GB SSDs. 1 850 EVO 1TB SSD. Acustica: Nebula Server 3 Ultimate, Murano, Magenta 3, Navy, Titanium.
#287750 - 05/24/10 07:54 PM
Re: Music played on the groove X7
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Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Irishacts: Hi Ian & chas.
Come on guys, enough is enough. He is a troll and he is the direct cause of a lot of disharmony in this community. Ok... and I'm going to get EVERYTHING off my chest here.
The guy demonstrates a complete lack of respect on a daily basis here at this stage.
Now we have him saying he's the voice of truth and has appointed himself the roll of bringing the truth the to community ( his words). Never to back down while while we talk of subjects like this. Seriously... come on ..!!! He's a freaking Troll of the highest order.
All he does is turns up at every thread like this saying the exact same negative things over and over again with no consideration for anything said back to him. That's what trolls do, they are people who are totally unresponsive to any reasoning or open discussion. However.... I DO NOT want to be around someone so negative. People like that bring me down and there's more to life than listen to some miserable guy moaning and repeating himself.
Regards James James, I know Diki better than you think I do, after spending a lot of time (sometimes too much time) on the forum. I believe Diki has this perception that many people seem to live their lives projecting delusive enthusiasm, which he believes is used to imply that "they are better than others." This conflicts with his style, which is very droll and dry. In an ideal world, he would like to always make you (and I) chill out and be realistic...maybe he might be well meaning, but it is very annoying to some. Then on the other hand, he thinks that anyone who tries to inhibit his exuberance about something, is all wrong, and really doesn't see the perceived values that he beholds. Chris Kristofferson's words, "He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction" seems to sum up the above quite well. But, I don't think Diki is a Troll...maybe he gets close, but as you say, he stays under the radar, and Nigel seems satisfied so far. Anyway, keep up the good work...I know I've questioned you guys, but my interest has always been genuine...and, I suppose I'm impatient to see results, as the claims about instruments without proof, have been going on for some time. Ian [This message has been edited by ianmcnll (edited 05-24-2010).]
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#287751 - 05/24/10 09:12 PM
Re: Music played on the groove X7
Senior Member
Registered: 11/18/01
Posts: 1631
Loc: Ireland
Hi Ian. I know Diki better than you think I do, after spending a lot of time (sometimes too much time) on the forum. Yeah very true, but I've been on SynthZone for almost 10 years and while most of that time was me just reading a lot, I still feel I know many of you very well from following your conversations over the years. Your a great bunch of guys actually. There's a lot of very good hearted people here and I enjoy talking to you all. It's just that things are getting out of hand with Diki now, and I've had enough of him. I believe Diki has this perception that many people seem to live their lives projecting delusive enthusiasm, which he believes is used to imply that "you are better than they. Ok, but that's starting to sound like paranoia on his behalf. I'm not a liar who projects any delusive enthusiasm and as a Mediastation owner I can also tell you that none of the other guys are liars either. Everything they are saying is true and I can verify the same findings as them. There's no I'm better than You in any of my posts either. I have nothing to prove to anyone. All I want is to just enjoy music, life and help anyone out when I can. That's why I own KORG Forums and am writing Lionstracs software right now. I don't care who you are, if I can help you I will and I expect nothing in return. So if Diki thinks all that that then he's either calling me a liar or he is paranoid. In an ideal world, he would like to always make you (and I) chill out and be realistic...maybe he might be well meaning, but it is very annoying to some. Sure and rightly so that's exactly the way things should be but he's the one being difficult and being extremely negativite. Nobody likes a person like that as they will always get you down. All anyone wants here is an open dialogue, have some fun and maybe pick up some juicy information on a product many know very little about. Everything we all do here is supposed to be helpful, interesting, enjoying and fun. This is why we all spend out free time hanging out here. We enjoy the banter and we all learn something. What Diki is doing is just bad karma most of the time. Then on the other hand, he thinks that anyone who tries to inhibit his exuberance about something, is all wrong, and really doesn't see the perceived values that he beholds There's a level of blindness in that though that's sad. We all have something to learn from each other no matter who we are and great enjoyment can be gotten from opening your mind to it. Chris Kristofferson's words, "He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction" seems to sum up the above quite well. I understand but are we then saying we should just excuse his behavior or make acceptation just because it's Diki and that's the way he is ? I think it's fair to say that he's been given an unbelievable amount of freedom so far. But, I don't think Diki is a Troll...maybe he gets close, but as you say, he stays under the radar, and Nigel seems satisfied so far. I assure you it's not a word I throw around very lightly or say often at all. I above all understand the seriousness of this word and when I do use it a really do think before I type. Diki is behaving exactly like a Troll and it's not nice. He make it very hard to enjoy the community because of his constant negativity and repetitive posting of of the same closed minded views in these threads. You only need read his posts to see he's not even asking any actual questions to find out more about the keyboards too. He doesn't care, yet he feels the need to still take part in these threads and run the keyboard into the ground for no real reasons. Anyway, keep up the good work...I know I've questioned you guys, but my interest has always been genuine...and, I suppose I'm impatient to see results, as the claims about instruments without proof, have been going on for some time. Sure, it's all just about hanging out, sharing information and enjoying the company. Kind Regards James