Bachus, if the 'open' community wants a sampled Rhodes, go out and sample a Rhodes...
If you can't see the difference between that and sampling someone who already did all the WORK for you,
you aren't even trying.
There are people that thought that ALL music should be free, that no-one should EVER have to buy a CD again.
They traded mp3's around like bubblegum cards. Now the music industry is in collapse. If you can't get PAID
for your work, who is going to do it? Those people are now
being sued for copyright infringement. And if wholesale sampling of an entire arrangers' soundset
ever becomes more than a pipedream, and it becomes more than just a joke to the big boys,
you are going to see the lawyers come calling like they do to
big MP3 distributors and movie servers.
It's simple... do the sampling YOURSELF, no problem. Sample something that someone has ALREADY sampled
(or simply copy the data) and you are stealing their work. It can't be any more obvious than that...