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#288082 - 06/07/10 03:54 PM Re: OS 4.3...
to the genesys Offline

Registered: 10/22/03
Posts: 1155
Originally posted by AFG Music:
Diki I'm not saying you are wrong.

but when you are sampling a harware music instrument, you still use the sound of a music instrument !!!!!

I give an example:

We have a painting and is copyrighted.
We have good scanner and we scan the painting. So here we infringe copyright if we do that without permission.

why for musical sound on analog synth and real instruments sounds, no copyright, but once they are digitaly sampled they are copyrighted?

In short, if you use real Intrument free sound source to make samples for your hardware instrument, and sell you're honest?????????

that's theft. why:

You make nothing new from the beginning. you do not make any new music instrument.

you scan something and make a copy (just like the painting)

I think you know that any real instrument or analog synth sound has a certain character which makes that instruments unique or not????

So if the law says this is better or not:

if a source has not a copyright then the copy can not be copyrighted too.

if the source has copyright you You must have permission from source holder to copy and copyright your works.

as a supporter of copyright,
I want that real Intrument and anlog synth makers are protected by copyright for their unique sound. because they are the source and not other companies who make samples for there hardware.


sampling=scan somthing=digital copy of something.

copyrighted source=permission from source holder to copy and copyright your works

no copyrighted source=you can use or copy without permission, but you have no right to copyright your work.

digital hardware music instrument sound= the source real instument and analog synth sound

are you here agree?!?!

[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 06-07-2010).]

Finally some one sees that sampling affects Acoustic instruments. People dont seem to realize that a lot of hard work and money went in to creating an acoustic instrument that has a particular sound.
Most people think that an acoustic instrument maker should not have any protection.

But the company that samples an acoustic instrument should get protection and not have to pay the acoustic instrument maker.

And the company that clones the samples should not have protection but should pay the instrument maker.

Where is the fairness and consistency in this?

#288083 - 06/07/10 04:13 PM Re: OS 4.3...
miden Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/31/06
Posts: 3354
Loc: The World
Originally posted by to the genesys:
Finally some one sees that sampling affects Acoustic instruments. People dont seem to realize that a lot of hard work and money went in to creating an acoustic instrument that has a particular sound.
Most people think that an acoustic instrument maker should not have any protection.

But the company that samples an acoustic instrument should get protection and not have to pay the acoustic instrument maker.

And the company that clones the samples should not have protection but should pay the instrument maker.

Where is the fairness and consistency in this?

I disagree. I think we ALL know that it takes years (still does) to make a decent acoustic instrument. And that people DO benefit from re-creating that sound via sampling.

And I knew what you were alluding to in your post re no-one raising the "counter-point".

And who knows MAYBE all the companies that have sampled these keyboards HAVE paid some sort of fee, maybe they bought the instrument. (Although in the case of Yamaha, they actually make the acoustic pianos in the first place )

So does buying the actual instrument give one a licence to then freely sample the sound of that instrument, to distribute or do with as they will?

And if you agree with that, you MUST ergo agree that it is acceptable should one buy a Motif keyboard, for example. Sample the sound it produces and then sell or give away that sampling.

Because I know industry people out here that DO sample acoustic instruments and then use the samples in projects, that they then sell.

Look, there is no clear answer here on this issue. You get the self-righteous, and then you get the pragmatists. Idealists and realists are at opposite ends and usually never meet.

And I would hazard a guess that NO-ONE on this forum has not received some benefit from, or been given, shared software, music, styles, samples, whatever.

So in principle, no-one here is truly qualified to take any high ground moral superiority over anyone else.

#288084 - 06/07/10 04:18 PM Re: OS 4.3...
AFG Music Offline

Registered: 03/12/09
Posts: 513

but who first made the piano is the one that should be protected by copyright and not yamaha that make a copy from first piano.
but you can copyright the songs you made with yamaha piano.

I have explained in my post,

Other examples:

You can copyright what you write or draw with a pencil, but you Can not copyright the pencil itself.

so hardware music instruments sounds are just like a pencil.

hardware music instruments sound=real music instruments sound, analog synths sound, digital music instumrnts sound(digital is simple a copy from real instruments and analog synth but not a new music intrument).

[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 06-07-2010).]

#288085 - 06/07/10 04:47 PM Re: OS 4.3...
miden Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/31/06
Posts: 3354
Loc: The World
Yes I agree AFG, up to a point, but I tend to be in the pragmatic, or realists camp when it comes to this issue.

Going on that principle, whoever first came up with the recipe for scones, should also get a fee from anyone in the world who follows that recipe for making them.

And a personal recipe is a creation of one person, much the same as software, or a sample is.

I could go on with many more examples, silly? ABSOLUTELY!!! yes I know, but that is the underlying principle of the argument.

Further, again following the principle espoused by a few here, anything, anywhere, created by a human should be protected, and the creator and their descendants receive ongoing royalty payments.

That is why I call this a ridiculous argument. But people only want to see their own self-righteous views.

I can TOTALLY understand, again up to a point, where TTG, and Diki and others are coming from with their arguments on this.
And they do argue their views with passion, but its a totally impractical position to take in my view, for reasons I have already mentioned in other posts.

But hey, if it makes them feel better about themselves to think they believe (and PRACTICE!! this philosophy) in this, who am I to say different


#288086 - 06/07/10 05:02 PM Re: OS 4.3...
vagro Offline

Registered: 11/05/07
Posts: 321
Loc: Argentina
Originally posted by Irishacts:

Access Virus Indigo
Access Virus A
Access Virus B
Access Virus C
Akai AX-80
Akai-S-612 sampler
Akai S-900 sampler
Akai S-1000 sampler
Akai S-6000 sampler
ARP String Ensemble
Casio VL-Tone
Chamberlin Tape sampler
Commodore 64
Doepfer modular
EDP Wasp Deluxe
Elka String Machine
Emu Modular (Custom)
Ensoniq Mirage
Fairlight CMI
Farfisa Organ
Fender Rhodes
Hammond B-3/C-3 Organs
Kawai K-5000 additive synth
Korg EX-8000
Korg M1-REX
Korg Monopoly
Korg Z1 EVL
Korg Prophecy
Kurzweil K-2000
Kurzeil K-2500
Logan Strings
Mattel Optigan
Hans Zimmer Custom Moog Modular
Moog 55 Modular
Moog Minimoog (Studio Electronics modified)
Nord Lead
Oberheim 4-voice SEM style analog synth
Oberheim OBXA
Oberheim OB8
Oberheim S.E.Ms
Oberheim Xpander
Polyfusion Modular Synth
PPG Wave 2.2
Roland Jupiter 8
Roland Jupiter 4
Roland Juno 60
Roland MKS-80 Super Jupiter
Roland MKS-70 Super JX
Roland MKS-50 Alpha Juno
Roland Modular System 700
Roland Modular System 100m
Custom Modular Synths
Roland TB-303
Roland S-760 samplers
Roland S-770 sampler
Roland JX-3P
Roland JX-10
Roland JD-800
Roland JD-990
Roland D-50
Roland JP-8000
Roland JV-90
Roland JV-1080
Roland JV-2080
Roland JP-8080
Roland JP-8000
Roland Paraphonic 505
Roland RS-09
Roland SH-2000
Roland VP-330 Vocoder
Roland XV-5080
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5
Sequential Circuits Prophet VS
Sequential Circuits Pro One
Studio Electronics Omega 8
Suzuki Omnichord
Vako Orchestron
Vox Continental
Waldorf Q
Waldorf Wave
Waldorf Microwave
Waldorf Microwave XT
Yamaha CS-01
Yamaha CS-80
Yamaha DX-7
Yamaha TX-816
Rhizomatic Absynth
Logic Sculpture
Logic EXS24
Logic ES-2
Propellerheads Maelstrom
Audioease thOnk
Audionerdz Delay Lama
Cycling '74 PGS-1
Cycling '74 Shape Synth
Native Instruments Absynth
Native Instruments B-4
Native Instruments Pro-52
Native Instruments Reaktor
reFX JunoX2
reFX Vangaurd
reFX QudraSID
reFX PlasiCZ
Rumpelrausch Taips ZR1
Steinberg Model E
Waldorf Attack
Waldorf PPG 2.V
Bitheadz Unity DS-1


[This message has been edited by Irishacts (edited 06-07-2010).]


Korg Pa3x 61 - Mediastation X76 - Yamaha Psr s900 - Korg Tr61 - Roland PK5A - NanoKontrol - Ensoniq SQ1 - Yamaha D85 organ

#288087 - 06/08/10 12:59 AM Re: OS 4.3...
Spalding 4 Offline

Registered: 09/07/07
Posts: 96
Loc: UK
on the spectronic site it says :

"The company innovated right from the beginning: In 1994, Spectrasonics was the first sample developer to guarantee its products as 100% "Copyright Clean."

Perhaps thats why they were abe to use the instruments in the above list. just an idea

#288088 - 06/08/10 02:47 AM Re: OS 4.3...
Taike Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 03/28/02
Posts: 2814
Loc: Xingyi, Guizhou (China)
最猖獗的人权侵犯 者讨论其他国 家的人权局势而忽略本国严重的人权 问题是何等伪善。

#288089 - 06/08/10 04:07 AM Re: OS 4.3...
AFG Music Offline

Registered: 03/12/09
Posts: 513
All articles are about song sampling, but not about instruments sounds sampling.

Sampling of a song you break copyright if you do not have permession from source, because you scan someone else's creation.

but with sound sampling from sample based hardware music instument, the sound is not creation of sample company, but a scan from real instruments or analog synth sound,

so the source is not sample company but real instruments and analog synth makers.

These are the sounds and not songs.

I give an example,

I'm going to record English alphabet letters and characters on a tape, or better i make a sample based instrument with English alphabet letters and characters as a sound,

then you have no right to using the letters and characters any more becouse as you begin to speak you are using my sound!?!?!?!?

is better or not to see instruments sounds like alphabet which you can use to make words and sentences(songs).

harware music instrument sounds= scan of a realinstruments sounds,analog synth sounds,other hardware music instument sounds

so sample based hardware music instumrnt sounds is not a new music instrument but a digital copy of other sounds.

why on source(realinstruments sounds,analog synth sounds) not copyright but on digital instruments sound copyright????????????

music instrumnts sounds are, like a pencil that you used to draw or write.

so then you most have copyright on a pincel too??????????

if we have copyright on a pincel, then every sample company has broken copyright too by using a scan(sampler) to make digital copy from real instuments and analog synth sounds.......(they make a scan without permession from source holder)

so if you say that real instruments and analog synth sounds are open source, then every sample company has broken GPL license when they copyright the sampled sounds.

GPL license says you can change and modify or copy the source but share the source you have made from first source.

a digital music instruments sound sample is a change and modify or copy from source(real instrument and analog synth)

GPL license says also you can sell or distribute the source you have made, but others have right to see copy or change and modify your source and sell or distribute too.............

[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 06-08-2010).]

#288090 - 06/08/10 05:18 AM Re: OS 4.3...
Spalding 4 Offline

Registered: 09/07/07
Posts: 96
Loc: UK
The discussion needs to be clear what copywrite is. It is legal protection to prevent anyone from using or altering or claiming authorship your work without your permission to do it whether that be commercially or for no monetary gain. It has nothing to do with what effort or money or creativity was put in to creat the work.

The simple question is :

Has the work been registered under copywrite ?

If it has thenthe copywrite laws apply. If it hasnt then anyone can use it at will without any fear of the law.

So if yamaha's or korgs or whoever have not copywrited the sounds from their instruments ( i dont even know if this is practically possible) then its all fair game.

#288091 - 06/09/10 12:12 AM Re: OS 4.3...
Diki Offline

Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14244
Loc: NW Florida
Just so I don't get accused of ignoring yet another absurd point...

No, I can't say I don't have any translated styles, or even some mp3's...

But I am NOT trying to excuse it or say that it is legal...

It may indeed be a common practice. Doesn't make it legal or ethical, though.

The point I think you are missing, James, is the degree of scale. Spectrasonics didn't set out to clone each and every factory preset in a current commercial product. In fact, the reason their products are so popular is that they made BETTER sounds than the originals, by combining stacks of synths, and the amazing sound design of Eric Persing. But what you are proposing is the outright cloning of an entire instrument, for the sole purpose of not having to buy it in the first place (but you SURE want to use their sounds) to be able to play its' styles...

If you can't see that as a paradigm shift from what synth samplers were doing, I honestly believe you are not trying.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!

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