I bet you could split that hair even more if you REALLY tried, Fran

ALL TOTL Roland arrangers were sold through the CK division until a few months before the G70's discontinuation, and they only moved it over to try to dump the old stock.
Roland make NO differentiation between the lines on their website. I'm sorry, but try all you want, there is simply no getting over that the E80 WAS a different, newer TOTL arranger than the G70, and by your own rules (you are simply trying to move the bar after the race has started), is not eligible for inclusion.
Unless, of course, by framing the question, you are actually TRYING to get the answer you want... You wouldn't be doing that, would you?

So, let's see, does that mean that Technics are now eligible? Being a discontinued TOTL arranger from several years ago?

As an ex-retailer, you know perfectly well that you can say almost ANYTHING as long as you leave out a lot of the details (look at the fine print under any TV ad), to make a point that is patently false. But what is even more obvious is, rather than simply asking for a head count on ALL arrangers, you have deliberately tried to shape the question, and once that didn't bring the result you wanted, are now trying to CHANGE the question... Just a little TOO desperate, IMO..!

Look, I love the G70 as much as you do (possibly more, as I don't constantly try other things to replace it

), but I don't need to run a fixed poll to justify it, nor ask questions that change when I don't get the answer I want... There's only ONE thing that can be derived from a poll at this forum - and that is WHAT WE ACTUALLY USE. No possible extrapolation can be made from it.
Might as well simply get a 'head count' from us ALL, and then try to fudge the results afterward!

So, here's mine... G70. Hat size Medium. Shoe size 8 1/2. Waist 32". Height 5'4". Weight... more than a G70!