#288848 - 06/07/10 01:29 PM
Re: O/T: Irish Music Industry Wants Mobile Operators to Implement “Three-Strikes”
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14366
Loc: NW Florida
It's always disappointing to read posts from those who basically try to excuse their theft by trying to point out that the 'artist' receives a small share of the profits... Might as well say that it's OK to steal cars, because the worker on the assembly line makes a pittance, too! But, trust me on this one, if it were YOU making your 'pittance' from the record company, and people were stealing the music and you consequently didn't even get the pittance that you ARE supposed to get, how would you feel? Look at all the multi-millionaires and even billionaires that have been made by artists that leveraged their success... I guess you ought to say you SHOULDN'T steal THEIR music, because they are profiting from it?  Or, is the new self-justification in their case, they already have a lot of money, and don't deserve any more?  Every burglar, every Ponzi-scheme operator, every confidence trickster, every mugger has an excuse to make themselves feel better about stealing from you. And, so it appears, do those that think there is no harm in downloading for free something that costs a FORTUNE to make... Try this out... next gig you go to, say there's a cover charge to get in, and you make that as your fee. You have worked long and hard to build up the clientele. Now, the club owner lets everyone in for free, and tells you you won't get paid tonight. Who do you go after? The club owner, for letting everyone in for free, the patrons themselves (if you can find them) or do you just stop playing for a living and do it for free from now on...? That is what you are expecting from the recording and movie industries...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#288851 - 06/10/10 11:03 PM
Re: O/T: Irish Music Industry Wants Mobile Operators to Implement “Three-Strikes”
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14366
Loc: NW Florida
As I have said before, if you think it is so easy to run a record company AND pay the musicians what they want, and stay in business, have at it! It's a LOT more expensive than you think it is. For every hit a record company has, they probably release 100 songs that don't hit. But they cost as much to make and distribute... Yes, there are sharks in the music business. There are sharks in EVERY business. Business attracts sharks!  But no-one says that, if migrant crop pickers are payed lousy, mistreated and intimidated by the companies that hire THEM, lettuce should be free... just go down the supermarket and steal it!  But mysteriously, that's how people think about music. Sad... Trouble is, the same mechanism that prevents record companies (those rotters!) from getting any money out of their product (rampant piracy) is the exact same mechanism to steal music even from musicians that are NOT being exploited by a record company. Some musicians produce and distribute their own product, and some musicians have excellent relations with their record companies. But they are ALL being stolen from... Nobody is looking up anyone's contract and going 'He's getting ten points on this CD, we won't download that!', they just steal it all anyway. Bottom line is, why should anyone pay YOU for your live performance? Why do you deserve to get paid, but the artist and record company that made a CD shouldn't? You are being 'exploited' by club owners and restaurant owners (all of whom are doing MUCH better than you are  ), so consequently, if there's any logic to the stealing of music from a record company because they are doing well off the back of a poorly paid musician (and the hell with whether it hurts the musician, too), why shouldn't you get stiffed for your live performances, too? I mean, you won't MIND playing for free from now on, will you? It's what you expect of recording artists... 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#288853 - 06/11/10 05:34 AM
Re: O/T: Irish Music Industry Wants Mobile Operators to Implement “Three-Strikes”
Senior Member
Registered: 11/18/01
Posts: 1631
Loc: Ireland
Originally posted by Mockie: James,
I am not impressed with your negative comments about Ireland.
[This message has been edited by Mockie (edited 06-10-2010).]
[This message has been edited by Mockie (edited 06-10-2010).] And if I do the typical Irish thing will that make you happy ? Ok..Here goes..... “Sure it will be grand” Ok, happy now? I'm prod to be Irish and I would quite simply tear the head off of anyone who accuses me of not loving my country. Look, if there is one thing Ireland is well known for it's our music. IRMO and the government are like a cancer on the Irish peoples back as they eat away at the heart of what makes us what we are. The Irish are a great people but our well known “sure it will be grand' attitude is letting these guys destroy what we are as a people and a country. A school girl working in a sweet shop trying to earn a few euro can't even listen to the local radio station now while she waits for the next customer to come in. IMRO will come in, measure up the place and issue large fines and feels on the owner that often mount to more than they pay their employee. My friend owns a barbers and he has a small radio on a chair while he works so he an listen to the national radio station when things are quite. IMRO come in with a measuring tape and measure the size of this building and issue him with massive fees for listening to the national radio and based on the size of the room the fee increases. The radio stations themselves broadcasting are even milked to death by IMRO, and then you are screwed again by IMRO for listening to the radio. It's worse than a double taxation. VERY soon the costs of hotel rooms to go up as IMRO are now going to charge hotels a standard fee per night per the number of room the hotel owns, and not rents out. This will cost more jobs too, mark my words on that. Don't even get me started on the number of pubs they closed, the government and smoking bans. They have all closed pubs across the entire country and the figures I believe are well over 100 close each year because of laws. What you basically have here is people with no life, nothing left to enjoy and massive debts as the tax payers money and your kids, and their kids money is given to the banks who don't even have to tell you want they are doing with the money. Look, nobody loves Ireland more than I do. The mere fact that I have an opinion on the idiots running the country shows I love my country and I'm screaming for change here. We have one of the most beautiful places in the world, but the people running it only care about Profit and their profit only. I can't even drive the normal way to the main road any more. They close roads because they are so bad and there is no money to fix them. That's unbelievable. I may as well sell my car and buy a Donkey. Peace. James.