The fact of the matter is, despite the iTunes store, the vast amount of music being listened to is being stolen. Rapidshare, torrents, Limewire... as soon as an artist gets famous enough that more than just a few local fans have heard about them, up goes their work for anyone to download. I work for a tiny, independent label. Our signed artists are hardly household names! And yet, we found CD's that we had produced, that had made virtually NO chart impact, were up on Rapidshare in their entirety...
Estimates put the loss in revenue to the music industry at over 60% compared to pre-Napster days. I don't know of ANY industry that can survive that. Imagine 6 out of 10 cars at a car dealership lost to theft (but the dealer still has to pay for them)... and not to professional thieves, but to people who would normally be their regular customers. Think anyone could survive that?
I'm sorry, but this crisis was not precipitated by a greedy and uncaring music label. People are JUST as willing to steal from unsigned and un-labeled artists as they are from those in the evil grip of a Warner Bros. or Sony
It was precipitated by a greedy and uncaring public, and it shows NO sign of abating now the industry has been reduced to its' knees.
And for every story of label excess, there's a millionaire musician from the old pre-Napster days (most of whom you don't even think deserves their money!) that won't happen today. What do any of you think a label DOES, anyway? Do they do next to nothing, and garner 98% of the profits? You would ALL be running labels if that were so. Here's the sad fact. Most CD's released LOSE MONEY... Now, would you rather it be the label's money, or your own?
Willing to lose your own money (millions of it)? Start a label... and be prepared to be called a leech on the artist. MAYBE you'll be one of the tiny few that have a hit. And then maybe you'll be ecstatic that 60% of your product is being stolen (or more). I mean, you wouldn't WANT to be accused of being profitable, would you? Nor would you want enough money from one hit to be able to subsidize the next 99 flops until you get a hit again. One should be sufficient, shouldn't it..?
Look, ALL industries are 'evil'... they ALL pay the workers a pittance, they ALL reward the executives far above the people who actually MAKE the product. They ALL scratch and claw at a profit, engage in dodgy practices and shady deals.
But none of us are seriously saying the auto industry should dissolve, and we all make our own cars from now on (or buy them from bespoke tuners). None of us seriously think we should grow our own crops, raise our own livestock, weave our own clothes... But, apparently, some of us think that music will get BETTER with no profit motive, while at the same time, moan about the deplorable state modern pop music is in. It's that way FOR A REASON...
They are making 40% of what they used to ten years ago!
And sadly, for all the rise in technology, making great sounding music (not just 'OK' sounding music) is just as hard, expensive and complicated as it used to be.
If any of you would be willing to have 60% of what you make stolen, and then pilloried and demonized for trying to stay afloat in this cesspool of greed and theft and at the same time, make some art (or at least a good dance tune!), have at it... It's easy to criticize, MUCH harder to put your OWN money on the line, isn't it?
Stop trying to hold the music industry to a higher standard than any other you are apparently content with... or go out and SHOW US how easy it is to run a label and still give the majority of the money to the artist (who didn't pay a THING to get his product made). I mean, you are ONLY going to have hits, aren't you?