George carries some serious weight in that Yamaha actually listens to him very attentively and hopefully Yamaha will then implement and add some of the features and functions we're discussing here. Thanks George!

Okay, since Yammie seems determined to keep their Top of the Line arranger at a measly "61" keys an arranger
module would be the next logical step. Here's to hoping.

A 76 key totl arranger "keyboard" would be my preference from Yamaha though.

#2: Make the outer casing "metal" (aluminum, etc.) yet keep the overall weight within acceptable limits e.g. no more than 36 lbs. if possible. If Roland can make a full featured 76 key workstation i.e. the Fantom X weighing 32 lbs and the Fantom G at 36 1/2 lbs Yamaha should be able to keep their next (metal casing) totl arranger in that ballpark weight range too. Especially if it's only "61" keys right?

#3: Quit marketing your totl arrangers to oil sheiks in Saudi Arabia! 99 percent of Planet Earth's population
AREN'T rich so puhleeezzzeee quit charging an arm and leg for your totl arranger line! Is that too much to ask?? >> Crickets chirping... as Yamaha will most likely turn a deaf ear to that one.

Oh well, I tried.

#4: "Nine" sliders (instead of eight) to function as B3 organ draw bars when needed.
#5: a top notch Vocalizer in conjunction with an XLR Mic input.
#6: More system memory e.g. between 30-70MB or more if possible.
#7: "2" (or more) Gigabytes of Flash RAM like was just given to the new Motif XF.
#8: USB "3.0" would be fantastic too and well worth it for our recording needs plus transferring of files. USB 3.0 is here to stay and is a HUGE increase in speed over USB 2.0 which is basically obsolete.
#9: More Wav Rom would be nice. 1GB of Wav Rom would excel the new Motif XF Wav Rom but Yamaha has done that before with their totl Arranger offering. To at least 'match' the Motif XF wav rom, if they won't exceed it, would be okay too.
#10: Quit marketing your totl arrangers to oil sheiks in Saudi Arabia! Oh, I already mentioned that didn't I?

All the best,