#291575 - 08/26/10 10:18 AM
Re: Check out this amazing guitar player (Igor Presnyakov)
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Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7306
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
I think the difference between Tommy and Silvain is that Silvain plays interpretive jazz, and Tommy Emmanuel plays spectacular versions of very recognizable songs, with a healthy, fun entertainment flair.
Sylvain is a monster, but I'd put him in the Tuck Andress class. Can't really compare the two, given the different styles they play.
I like Sylvain's technique and interpretations better, but ya gotta give it to Emmanuel on the entertainment front.
Sylvain and Bireli (another player I wasn't familiar with) are messing with the tune (Isn't She Lovely), and that's GREAT. Sylvain plays one of my favorite guitars in my collection, a Godin Multiac nylon string, and Bireli plays an L-5 size Gibson with a single pick-up (various ones). Again, one of my favorite guitar brands and design. I mostly have two-pick-up L-5's.
Bireli plays a fretless bass on another YouTube piece that would make Jaco proud.
There's a kid from Lexington...Ben Lacey, who now works lots of booths at NAMM and demos for lots of folks making a name for himself, too.
Just goes to show that there is an up and coming crop of superior players (my friend Rory included) to keep outstanding music alive!
And that's GREAT!
#291578 - 08/26/10 03:52 PM
Re: Check out this amazing guitar player (Igor Presnyakov)
Senior Member
Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7306
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
Donny, who would those "great arranger keyboard artists" be? I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, but these "pickers" pretty much used no "assistance", in the form of loopers, sequences, effects, etc. They almost played "naked" I would think that the situation is different with an arranger, where the primary skill, or at least 1/2 the talent lies in manipulation of the auto features of the instrument and being able to adjust playing techniques to match the auto functions.
I'm not knocking that talent, but I think it's a different skill set than the guys we're talking about here.
On guitar, and on keyboards, too, I think as you get better, you tend to get back to basics. Most of the superior keyboard players I know don't use arrangers. Most of the superior entertainers I know use every possible trick. The "slippery" slope is the tendency to take the easy way out and allow the equipment, rather than the player to do more work than necessary.
Just an opinion. Take it for what it's worth...just my opinion.
P.S. I REALLY am interested in the names of those superior arranger PLAYERS. I'd like to watch them, too!
#291581 - 08/26/10 09:11 PM
Re: Check out this amazing guitar player (Igor Presnyakov)
Senior Member
Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
Having played both a guitar for many, many years, and an arranger for many, many years, from my perspective, the guitar was much easier. In both instances, I play the instrument and sing--that was the only similarity. It took a fair amount of talent and expertise to play the guitar, but the most difficult aspect of learning to play the guitar was learning to strum in various styles while singing. The keyboard, which is a wonderful instrument in it's own right, takes care of the strumming part automatically, but, the on the fly technical aspects are far more complex than anything I ever encountered on a guitar. Not only do you have to remember the left hand chording, but additionally, you have to provide some right hand instrumentation for a host of instrument sounds, be able to rapidly select the proper sound (voice), sing the song, remember the lyrics, hit the correct fills, keep in time with the keyboard's regimented tempo, get set up for the next song, and dozens of other things I never think about because I just do them automatically. It was a lot easier when I was a solo guitar player, sitting on a bar-stool with my 12-string guitar, a 100-watt amp next to the stool, a mic stand and a beat-up SM58. I had a lyrics book that consisted of a 3-inch-thick looseleaf binder that was perched on another bar-stool until I made enough money to buy a music stand with a weighted base. I played everything from old-time country to Malaguena, to House Of The Rising Sun, to 50 R&R. I was never a fantastic player, or even a great player. However, I was a good entertainer and that's what the bar and restaurant owners were paying me to do. I listened to the posted song a couple times. To me it was played quite well--not fantastic. And, to me, it was boring as Hell. I sincerely believe Rory and Bill are much better guitar players. I'll stick with the arranger keyboard--for me, it's far more entertaining and much more challenging. Cheers, Gary 
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)