Originally posted by montunoman:
wow! thanks for recomending the Notation Musician- saved me TONS of time- not perfect, but I know enough when to edit (especially rhytms) the pitches seem spot on.
"If you change the extension of the Yamaha style to .MID, Notation musician will read intros and endings"
Not understanding that at all- can you be so kind as to explain how?
I have some times make a copy of a Yamaha style to read it in some software programs as a MIDI file.
Example: I have copy 8beat.sty to 8beat.mid and import the latest to Notation Musician.
All what I am really doing is changing the extension from .STY to .MID.
In some keyboards, like Korg PA800/PA2x, you can dump a style as a MIDI file to the hard disk. I don't know if there is a similar procedure for Yamaha keyboards to do the same, but changing the extension from .STY to .MID take you very close.
[This message has been edited by Machetero (edited 09-05-2010).]