None so blind as those that won't see...?
If there were anything for me to see, I would see it. But there ISN'T. On a forum FULL of dedicated, passionate arranger players, nothing of any originality. How about we come up with something ourselves, before we go making such blanket statements..?
One might as easily say that all of us could fly like Superman. After all, if one takes away the need for any proof whatsoever, then any ridiculous statement can be adhered to like a religion. I mean, just because no-one HAS flown like Superman, doesn't mean it can't be done, can it?

No, only your practical experience can indicate that you CAN'T fly like Superman (although there are many that try, fatally, every year!).
You see, expecting someone ELSE to prove your fantasy (haven't heard anything by YOU, that's for sure!), and then blaming everyone else for not believing you when no-one does is delusional, IMO...
Look, before this gets too far, I agree... Sit Jordan down in front of a PA2, and you might get something quite similar to this. But, as I pointed out at the beginning, is this 'creative'? Or is it, as arrangers are DESIGNED to be, merely imitative? Listen to the vast majority of what Jordan plays, and tell me if it could be done as well with an arranger? For starters, Jordan plays in a BAND... He has no NEED for a canned band, especially as none exists that is even a pale shadow of the band he DOES play in. Do you honestly think he disrespects his REAL guitarist in a concert by hacking out a lame
imitation of a real guitarist?

Let alone replace him completely by a MACHINE?
Anyway, I contend that someone, somewhere, will make us ashamed to be keyboard players by being SO creative on the kazoo we all just pack up and go home with our heads between our knees. And, of course, as long as I NEVER have to provide any proof of this statement, it is EQUALLY as valid as your 'defense' of the arranger... So, everybody rush out and buy a kazoo. Be a part of the soon to happen kazoo renaissance. The most creative instrument on the planet ever... (so long as someone figures out HOW
