The problem, as I see it, is that Lee has had a laundry list of what was wrong with the Audya that HASN'T changed... no USB3, no GB's of RAM, yada yada yada. It managed to prevent him buying an Audya 76, and will probably prevent him from buying the module. Despite none of it being any particular impediment to making great music...
Lee has always looked harder for an excuse to NOT buy the Audya that he has to find a reason to get one. And if you are determined enough, you will ALWAYS fined something that is missing from anything you look at. Now he's looking at modules, without, it seems, being intimately familiar with what the gear he is going to hook up to its' capabilities (posted a very basic question about an Akai controller that didn't seem to show much knowledge of it's capabilities, anyway)...
Somehow, I doubt Frankie will EVER be able to exhaustively answer every single question Lee is going to ask (he's asked some pretty absurd ones here), and so far, Lee has taken an unanswered question as proof positive he shouldn't get one, yet...
Anyway, it's SO much easier to flame another product when one doesn't have the product one touts as superior, which might require a little PROOF of his position is owed...