#292244 - 09/11/10 02:33 PM
Re: motif XF demo utilising styles
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
You can say it as many times as you want, but the WS does NOT have fills like an arranger. In an arranger, you hit for the fill any time you want it, and it drops in, in perfect sync with the beat... On a loopstation, you HAVE to call the fill up a bar in advance, it takes a FULL bar (or whatever length it is) to play, you can't call the fill up on beats 2 or 3 to make a pickup out of a full fill. You want a pickup, you have to program it up in advance. Just this ONE glaring omission on contemporary arranger's current capabilities is enough to cripple the WS as a live performance tool. Can you play music with it? Of course. Can you do what YOU want to do, when you want to do it? Not a chance. Loopstations are VERY good at doing music built completely around the loops. Once you decide to go with what they do, rather than what you might WANT to do, they are fine. But, personally, I prefer a machine that does what I want it to do, when I want it to do it, and with a minimum of interruption to my playing. Making the triggering of loops as complicated as a WS makes it is all well and good for the guys you see hardly PLAYING anything, choosing to make their creative input the controlling of the loops (more DJ-ing than playing, IMO), but if you want to PLAY, and don't want a machine to dictate to you what you can and can't do (and when you can and can't do it), these loop playing WS's are a VERY poor substitute for an arranger. Once again, I REALLY encourage you to actually try this stuff for yourself in a live situation BEFORE you start to make judgments about it. It SEEMS like it (the WS) ought to be able to be an adequate substitute for an arranger, but I have actually tried (and several others here, too) and I find it somewhat insulting to hear our actual practical experienced dismissed so casually, by someone that it is utterly obvious they have never actually tried it themselves... The devil is in the details. To be honest, you could take a first generation arranger and make music. And it would STILL probably be easier than trying to play live on a WS with it doing chord following accompaniment. Twenty years ago, with sufficient time, I could do home production music that comes fairly close to what I can do now... but it got a LOT easier, so I don't use the gear from twenty years ago. And modern WS's are about twenty years old in their chord following and live accompaniment generation capabilities. So yes, you CAN use them. But WHY..?!  Take a MoXS to a gig before you tell us how easy it all is, eh? You know, like some of us already HAVE 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#292247 - 09/12/10 12:25 PM
Re: motif XF demo utilising styles
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
"Is that close enough?"... Sorry, guys. NO. And you may have PLAYED your brother's. Have YOU tried to gig with it? Big difference, IMO. Look, we can go round all day long, but if your sole point is to say that, as long as you work within the drastic limitations that WS impose, OK, you CAN use a WS to 'sort of' substitute for an arranger... But WHY?  Even YOU don't have one or use it that way, live. You've got more sense than to do that, why criticize the rest of us for having the sense not to use one, either?  When you give up on your arranger, and gig solely on a WS, come back here and tell us how good it is. Until then...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#292249 - 09/14/10 06:36 PM
Re: motif XF demo utilising styles
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by spalding1968 and to the genesys: My next arranger is likely to be a motif.
The XS is an arranger with styles.
The next generation of Yamaha workstation will probably have more functions with styles (the same like what you are accustomed to on a T3).
My brother has an XS and it works in the same way as any style.
It is very easy to use the Motif XS as an arranger. If you (the both of you) don't want to be refuted, don't post stuff like this... Look, I guess as long as YOU proffer the definition of 'arranger', you can make it anything you want, and no-one else is right, are they?  But look at the response from EVERYONE on this thread other than you and to the genesys (I guess it's simply more FUN to pretend that this argument is solely between you and me, but aren't you insulting everyone else ignoring THEIR refutation of your points, aren't you?  ), and you can see much more of a consensus... Just because the XS/F offers primitive chord following abilities similar to a twenty year old arranger doesn't make it one. Any more than the primitive WS capabilities in a modern arranger makes it a proper WS. Who, in their right minds, wants a WS as 'powerful' as an 01w?  In TODAY'S environment?  You offer a FAR too narrow definition of 'arranger', simply to try and make your point. But even that twenty year old arranger had capabilities FAR beyond the latest XF. Maybe if the XF did EVERYTHING the prehistoric arranger did, you MIGHT be able to call it an arranger. But modern arrangers have audio capabilities and samplers equivalent to a WS from say fifteen years ago... Doesn't make THEM real WS's in any sense of the word. If the XF was released fifteen years ago, no-one even THEN would have called it an 'arranger'. Why you choose to do so now is no more correct. My K2500 has had chord following abilities for over ten years. That didn't even REMOTELY turn it into an arranger! I guess, if you choose to make the definition of a product SO broad, almost anything can be CALLED an arranger... An old home organ with the most primitive of auto-accompaniment should be called an 'arranger', then, I guess. Or the first monophonic synth with an arpeggiator hooked up... That's an arranger, too. By YOUR definition. 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!