#292796 - 09/13/10 07:33 PM
Re: TYROS 4 Now I'm Excited!!!!
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by leeboy: But..Ian..If you can have one keyboard for everything...why would you want a 61?
I don't want one keyboard for everything. A 61-note light action arranger that weighs 25 lbs (PSR-S910) suits my arranger needs. An 88 note weighted action piano, like the 25 lb Yamaha P-85, suits my piano playing needs. A 76-note semi-weighted keyboard is total crap for playing piano on, and is needlessly too long for my arranger needs. I might be happy with a very light (30 lb) 88/76 note arranger as long as the keys are weighted hammer action. 88/76 weighted keys on an arranger (if the weight is under 30 lbs) is far less of a compromise to me, than a 76-note semi-weighted keybed. I never have an arranger gig that requires me to play solo piano, and neither do I have a piano gig that requires arranger background. On the very rare chance of needing both, the P-85 and the S910 aren't a big deal to take with me...both are light and compact, and set-up/tear down time, for me, is never an issue. Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#292798 - 09/13/10 08:09 PM
Re: TYROS 4 Now I'm Excited!!!!
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
actually the high-end CVP is not as dumbed down as you might think, other than having no aftertouch or pitch/mod wheels.
The new CVP will have more piano-orientated features, but will have the same sounds as the Tyros4, and a few that the latter does not have.
People buying a CVP are interested in "piano" first.
Roland does the same with it's KR-series.
Korg's PA-588 is too heavy for a "portable"...it is 51 lbs., even heavier that the portly G-70...add the weight of a necessary flight case, and your looking at a lot to lug.
I'm cutting back a lot on my personal gigging this year, so weight won't be an issue any more.
I'm very tempted by the Tyros4...I have a nice digital piano, so I might buy the T4 for recording purposes, and when I want 88 weighted touch, I'll just midi the piano to the Tyros.
Time will tell...I'm in no hurry.
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#292802 - 09/14/10 04:29 AM
Re: TYROS 4 Now I'm Excited!!!!
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by to the genesys:
The first manufacturer who makes a 76 lightweight, compact and mobile arranger will solve a lot of the world�s problems. Bottom line is that Yamaha is not going to make a 76 note top line arranger...despite the bitchin' and whinin' of several people since the first Tyros came out, the fact that every other Tyros afterwards still had 5 octaves should make it quite obvious, even to the most casual observer, that Yamaha do not feel that making a 76 note arranger is in their best interest. All the whinin' and cryin' hasn't worked these past several years...what makes you think it will work now? What part of "NO" can you not understand? Perhaps you might consider Yamaha actually knows something you do not? If, in the next few years between the Tyros4 and Tyros5, Yamaha decides a 76 note T-series is in their best interest they'll make one. For now, those needing a 76 can easily buy a Korg PA2Xpro (or Audya) and be happy as a clam with it, as many here say they are...what is the problem? How many keys on your Genesys keyboard? How long have you had it? Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#292804 - 09/14/10 05:17 AM
Re: TYROS 4 Now I'm Excited!!!!
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by to the genesys: Plus we want the great styles and sounds of Yamaha. It amazes me that Yamaha and its representative are just ignoring a significant part of its potential market.
Not everyone crowing here for a 76 note Tyros will actually buy one...a lot want the sound to be more to what they think it should be, as on a Roland or Audya for example, so no matter how many keys it will have, they won't buy it. It amazes me that you can assume Yamaha is ignoring the "significant market" because, you really don't know what the actual "market" is, unless you have done surveys yourself, and, somehow, I don't think you have. If you have done so, please share it with us. What amazes me even more, is that you can't understand the word "NO". Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#292805 - 09/14/10 03:53 PM
Re: TYROS 4 Now I'm Excited!!!!
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14377
Loc: NW Florida
Yamaha have ALWAYS been 'not going to make something' until they actually DO. Whereupon, all the fanboys that said such a thing promptly found some other bandwagon to jump on, and conveniently forgot Yamaha doing exactly what they said they never would! And, one more time (as if this is going to stop this idiotic gushing) YAMAHA DO MAKE 76 NOTE ARRANGERS. But they SUCK... That's all we are asking for... not for Yamaha to start doing something they aren't already doing. But to merely START to do a decent job at something they obviously haven't managed yet. Would it KILL them to add THIS YEAR'S arranger technology to THIS YEAR'S CVP? Would it kill them to add this year's arranger technology to all the 76 arrangers they DO make? But their business model seems to say 'if you play anything bigger than a 61 by choice, you don't NEED our best arranger technology'. And I, for one, can't come up with a single reason why a person playing a 76 or an 88 needs anything different whatsoever to a 61 player. BTW, there are piano sounds, and we play piano parts (as best we can!) on 61's as well as 76's and 88's. If nothing BUT an 88 will suffice to play a piano part on, despite the obvious fact that you no more need to be an organist to play organ parts, or a sax player to play sax parts, why are they included on a 61 (and I guarantee that Ian plays them)? Grasping at straws, I'm afraid, Ian... Is an 88 optimal for piano? Of course. Can you play organ parts on an 88? Sure. Optimal? No... but 88 note arrangers and WS's have organ sounds onboard. A 76 is possibly the BEST keyboard for a KEYBOARD player. Big enough for most piano parts' range. Light weight enough keyboard for most organ parts. Sure, it's not the best for a PIANIST. But I'll bet the majority of us here consider ourselves KEYBOARD players. And we NEED all the sounds, on a keyboard that limits them as little as possible. The biggest compromise, IMO is a 61 plastic. Not only does the key weight penalize you, but the size penalizes you even MORE. I can easily play piano parts good enough for any producer on a 76 G70. But I am hard pressed to do a good job on a 61. Let's face it, were Yamaha to actually decide to make a GOOD 76, Ian would be trumpeting its' superiority to everything else at the top of his lungs. Amazing how quiet he gets (to the point of completely ignoring the fact that they DO make 76 arrangers) when they don't make a GOOD one...  To my mind, if a keyboard has an arranger engine in it, it is an arranger. It walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... you get the picture! So Yamaha make 88 arrangers (they don't want to CALL them arrangers, but that is what they are), they make 76 arrangers (but don't want to call them that, but that is what they are) and they make 61 arrangers. Sadly ONLY the 61's are any good... Is that cause for celebration?  Personally, I'd be ashamed if my employer and favorite marque could only dominate in one segment, when all it needs to do to dominate across the board was cobble a different size keyboard onto what is already the best selling 61. Is that laziness, incompetence, or both?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!