Originally posted by Kbdrkr
One of my biggest issues with Yamaha is they do not have Outstanding core styles in each Genre that aren't complete musical productions. How about a simple bass, drum, guitar killer Mustang Sally style??Keep in mind that you can instantly turn off any segment of any style using the sliders, or modify that style to fit YOUR needs using the onboard Style Creator program, which is very versatile and user friendly.
For Mustang Sally, Yamaha already has that style--it's called BluesRock, and from my perspective, it's one of the best Mustang Sally styles ever.
The beauty of nearly all MOTL and TOTL keyboards is the ability to modify anything and everything in the keyboard, then save the information so it can be instantly recalled. With Yamaha, the information slots are called registrations, and they're extremely versatile.
If I were 15 years younger I would consider purchasing a pair of T4s, one for the road and one for the office. However, at this stage of life I'll be sticking with the lighter, someone antiquated PSR-3000, at least until someone comes out with a magic pill that makes me younger and stronger.

It's quite obvious that Yamaha does listen to it's consumers, and over the past decade they've done an outstanding job of producing some outstanding musical instruments, arranger keyboards being just one of them. There's a reason they don't make a TOTL arranger keyboard with 76 or 88 keys--the demand is just not sufficient to warrant the cost of production. It's that simple. If the demand were there, Yamaha would be making a T4 with 76 or 88 keys. Sure, a handful of Synthzone members would like to have a 76-note board, but in the overall marketplace, it's a tiny fraction of consumers. Same goes for those, including myself, that would like to see a sunlight viewable LCD displays and button lights. A few years ago when I talked with Yamaha about this they had already researched the percentage of outdoor players in the market that would benefit from those features. It was less than 1/100 of 1-percent. Not worth the expense of retooling.
I sincerely believe the T4 will be one incredible, arranger keyboard and will be capable of doing nearly anything that anyone wishes to do. For some folks, the OS learning curve will be steep and difficult, while for others who have taken the time to explore their keyboard's inner workings, it should be a walk in the park.

[This message has been edited by travlin'easy (edited 09-12-2010).]