I can easily understand why some people are content with a 61. I myself have no desire for an 88 arranger (but more due to touch issues than how big or heavy it is). But what I DON'T understand is why some people seem SO invested in Yamaha's decision to NOT offer a 76, as if it is a point of pride for them.
Yes, I have no desire for an 88 arranger, but I would NEVER tell anyone that wants one that their needs are so unimportant to me, and that their needs should not be even SLIGHTLY important to the arranger manufacturers. Who's frickin' side are you guys on, anyway?
Fellow arranger players like yourselves, or a giant, faceless uncaring corporation..?
Where is any sympathy, where is any empathy, where is any solidarity from you '61 ONLY' Nazis? Are you completely incapable of putting yourself in other people's shoes? If ONLY 76's were being made, and many, many, many of you made posts that you would prefer a smaller, lighter 61, and we took such pathetic glee in the fact that what YOU want wasn't offered by Yamaha (but everybody else made one), just what kind of a pr*ck would you think we all are?
A pretty small-minded, petty, uncaring pr*ck, I bet...