Originally posted by Rich Z:
You do have to wonder how many of those older folks are going to be concerned about the extra weight and size of a 76 key arranger as opposed to the 61 key version. It's not like they are going to be lugging it around anywhere... 
And especially since Ian has basically said that their “research” really did not address having extra 15 keys and did not seem to address other customer’s concerns other than persons over 65. Asking a small segment of your market who plays 61 keys if they would like 76 keys (where the perception of 76 keys is that of the Korg PA1 X pro and Roland G70 and PSR 9000 pro), the answer is quite obvious.
If arrangers were just for past organ players then is Yamaha saying that Roland, Korg, Ketron, and Mediastation are all wrong? Did not those company do “research” to see if 76 key arrangers are wanted?
If those persons on the video will buy a T4, if it had an additional 15 keys and was not heavier and less compact, did Yamaha ask them if that would prevent them from buying the T4?
And, I am sorry but if those arranger players (as Ian says) use to play keys in a band, did they not play a 76 key keyboard? Did they not play a piano or a 88 key keyboard? Would not a 76 key arranger be the perfect compromise for them?
Hopefully the new S series will address the short comings in the T4 and have the extra 15 keys.