Originally posted by cgiles:
I know there are those that like Yamaha's CD-like, processed sound, and some that hate it. Those that like it should be in sonic heaven, as this sound has now been taken to the ultimate end.
True, Chas, it is by far the best Yamaha has made.
I've always liked Yamaha's sound, beginning with the big old Electones, and their DX-synths, and now, in more recent years, the Tyros and PSR.
They are slicker than frog hair, especially this last one.
I may be retiring in full next year, so this would make a great parting gift (from me to me).
Of course, I'm rather broad-minded when it comes to keyboards so I like other sounds as well...Roland, the early Korgs, and of course Hammond...I nearly bought an XK3c pro system, but the Tyros4 will be more versatile, and I can't afford both.