TP, I'm not quite sure you get it... OF COURSE it's my opinion. Just as yours is yours. And, of course, precious few of us have EVER had someone come up and say they wished we played something else, no matter WHAT it is!
I no more expect you to like the Roland sound than you should expect me to like the Yamaha one. I imagine at some point or another, you have favorably compared your Yamaha to every other arranger out there. Are WE to get insulted that you don't like Roland (or Korg, or whatever you think your Yamaha is superior to)?
'Cause I don't... You can post as much as you want to about Roland. I know Ian does!

Doesn't worry me in the slightest...

And, if you post about it enough, I'll get the impression that what you say is REALLY how you feel, it's YOUR OPINION. And I WON'T be telling you to take a couch and get some therapy. Because, of course, you are entitled to feel that way...
Grow a pair. If you want the freedom to be able to voice YOUR opinion, allow others the freedom to voice theirs... or STFU. It's what you want from ME, after all...!

Sauce for the goose(step) is sauce for the gander