Originally posted by vangelis:
If you wanna know innovation and a company at least 10 years ahead of it's time the only company was General Music, I still have a GEM WK8 and looking at that year that it came out, no other keyboard had the most features at the time, too bad it no longer exists even the Genesys is exceptional.
Originally posted by Bachus:
Aye, my WX2 was way ahead of the competition, thats where GEM started to make a name..
Sadly bad support and even worse marketing where the end of GEM...
Their Real piano's are still unmatched tough.. Their Drake technollogy was phenomenal.
Well I wasn't going to mention GEM, having worked for them, but since someone else brought it up... There were a good number of features that were born in the Generalmusic design labs that later found their way into other brands. It is a pity things went the way they did with GEM.
Bachus, regarding your mention of bad support, I agree with you in part. The people handling product support directly with the customers were exceptional; "I don't usually blow my own horn, but what the heck, nobody else is going to do it". When I handled product support for GEM in the U.S. there was no one at any other company that worked as hard and as many hours as I did to make sure that our customers were taken care of. And I know that my counterpart in Italy was the same way as were others around the world. Unfortunately, the support we got from the rest of the company was all but non-existent most of the time. It was very frustrating for us. (sorry to go off topic, but I didn't start it

So to get back to the question at hand:
Liontracs and Wersi deserve mention since they are doing things differently than other brands. Although I'm not sure if I would call packaging current technologies into a single case revolutionary. Cool yes, but not really new features. Korg has it hands down as far as combining an extremely programmable synthesizer with a very functional arranger. As already mentioned, the chord sequencer from Roland was unique and a feature that would be great to see again. Yamaha wins hands down on marketing/brain-washing. I've never seen so many people so excited, who just recently ripped the plastic bag off of a new purchase only to quickly reach for their wallet to buy the replacement model. Every Year. It's crazy.
The fact is, all of the manufacturers have come up with unique ideas, some more than others. Personally I would say Generalmusic has had the most innovative features and ideas, i.e. internal hard drive, internal vocal processing and 4 part harmonizer, composite TV and S-video outputs for lyrics, Realtime Audio Synchro Styles (yes, live drums, guitar, vocal backings, etc. way back over 10 years ago), internal CD-R drive and audio recording directly to the internal hard drive, etc.
[This message has been edited by WDMcM (edited 09-22-2010).]